februar na vrtu / our garden in February 2020

Februar se je začel z lepim vremenom in končal z snegom in dežjem. Pred tremi dnevi je zapadel sneg in presenetil pomladno cvetje. Zaradi mrzlega vremena še vedno ne porabimo veliko časa na vrtu. Z nekaterimi opravili pa smo vendarle že začeli.

Zadnje čase pri vrtu postavljamo visoko gredo. Najugodneje jo je sicer postaviti jeseni, da se zemlja lahko poleže, če pa smo v stiski s časom, pa vsaj kakšen mesec preden sadimo rastline. Gredo smo zgradili iz hrastovih desk, dno smo zapolnili z debelejšimi vejami in dračjem, nato je sledila slama, kompost in na vrhu vrtna zemlja.

There was nice weather in the beginning of February and snow and rain at the end of the month. Some snow surprised spring plants three days ago. Due to cold weather, we still don’t spend a lot of time in the garden. On the other hand we started with some works.

Lately we built raised garden bed. The best time for building is autumn. If you are lacking time, the building of raised garden bed one month before spring would be good enough. We built a raised garden bed from oak wooden boards and filled it with tree branches, bush wood, compost and garden soil.
Pred tremi dnevi je zapadel sneg in presenetil pomladno cvetje.  

Three days ago the snow surprised spring flowers. 
Ta mesec sem tudi posadila česen, obrezala sadno drevje in posejala papriko, jajčevce in paradajz. V toplem stanovanju so sadike hitro vzklile. Presadila sem tudi moje tri limone, ki že komaj čakajo, da jih premestimo pred hišo.

I also planted garlic, pruned fruit trees, sowed peppers and tomatoes. The plants grow quickly in the warm house. I also transplanted my three lemon trees. They are still in our house waiting for us to carry them outside.


  1. Your spring flowers are lovely and show promise of spring on the way!

  2. Your English is good, thank you for joining us again this month. I hope the snow doesn't do too much damage to your new flowers. Sarah x


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