vrt v avgustu / our garden in August 2022

Medtem ko pišem tole objavo, zunaj dežuje. Zadnji teden občasno malo dežuje in kljub začetku jeseni naš vrt postaja spet zelen. 
While I'm writing this post, it's raining outside. Actually, it's been raining a little the last week and although it's autumn our garden is becoming green again.
Kljub temu, da je konec avgusta, se z cvetočim vrtom ne morem pohvaliti, pravzaprav je cvetov zelo malo. V zadnjem tednu je zacvetela tale vrtnica, prebujajo pa se že jesenske cvetlice.
Due to the hot summer, I can't show pictures of blooming flowers, in fact there are very few flowers blooming. This single rose started to bloom the last week and the autumn flowers are already waking up.
Radič, endivija, komarček in špinača, ki sem jih posejala pred dvema ali tremi tedni, so začeli rasti. Ob pogledu na zelenjavne gredice pomislim na pomlad. 
Radicchio, endive, fennel, and spinach, which I sowed two or three weeks ago, have started to grow. A look at the vegetable beds reminds me of spring.
V rastlinjaku sem na novo posejala kumare in stročji fižol. Če bo jesen topla in dolga, bosta mogoče imela plodove. To je moj mali poskus, bomo videli, kaj bo.
I also sowed cucumbers and green beans in the greenhouse. If the autumn was warm and long, maybe the fruits would ripen. This is my little experiment, so let's see.
Čeprav smo fižol celo poletje skrbno zalivali, je šele zdaj, zacvetel. Kar je veliko prepozno. V tem času bi morali obirati plodove. 
Although,we have regularly watered the bean plants all summer, they have just started to bloom, which is way too late. At this time, we should be harvesting the fruits. 
V gredo, kjer smo imeli buče, ki vročine niso prenesle, sem posadila jagode. Jabolka bodo kmalu dozorela. Poleg suše tudi ose poškodujejo sadje.
I planted strawberries instead of pumpkins. The summer heat was too much for them. The apples will ripen soon. Along with the drought, the wasps damaged the fruits.
Zdi se, da se dolgo, suho in vroče poletje počasi končuje. Kar malo čudno je, da ni zacvetela niti ena dalija. Ampak jaz sem zelo vesela, ker pada dež. Vrt mi je všeč tudi brez cvetja, saj so dežne kapljice na listih videti kot biserčki.
It seems that the long, dry, and hot summer is slowly coming to an end. It's a little unusual that not a single dahlia is blooming. But I am very happy that it is raining and I like the garden even without the flowers. Raindrops on the leaves look like pearls to me.


  1. Stunning photos and lovely vegetables. Anesha x

  2. So glad the rain has arrived and refreshing your garden. You and your camera have captured beautiful images of your garden. I love how you have created your strawberry garden bed. If you have a warm autumn, your vegetables should produce.

  3. Glad you have had some rain! Hope your experiment of sowing more seeds work and September brings more blooming flowers!

  4. Wonderful series of photos from your garden.

  5. So much appreciate rain when you have waited patiently!

  6. Margi - we have had plenty of clouds lately, but they have been stubbornly holding onto their rain. What I wouldn't give for a good soaking rain ... At this time of year, I always think to myself that I need to invest in more plants that bloom in September - I would like more color in my garden at this time of year, rather than everything just going to seed! We have four apples on our tree, and none of them are very big even though we have been watering it regularly. Oh well, a small mouthful of sweetness is better than none!

  7. I’m so happy for you, the rain makes miracles! Your photos are so, so beautiful and I agree: the draindrops look like pearls!

  8. Wonderful impressions from your garden Margi and you seem to be having a good harvest.
    The raindrops on the leaves look beautiful, like pearls, that's true ..



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