vrt v januarju / our garden in January 2022

Januar je bil precej mrzel, kar pa je tudi prav. Vrt sicer ni prekrit s snegom, zemlja pa je zmrzla. Ker malo že čakam toplejše dni, sem pričela s čiščenjem ostankov rož na robu dvorišča, vendar je enostavno premrzlo. Lansko leto sem posadila tole rožco, ki sedaj cveti kljub nizkim temperaturam. Škoda, da si nisem zapomnila njenega imena.
As generally, it was very cold in January. Although our garden isn’t covered with snow, the soil is frozen and I’m waiting for warmer days. I’ve started to tidy up the borders that have been neglected over the winter season, but it’s simply too early and too cold. Last year I’ve planted this little flower in the photo, which is now blooming despite low temperatures. I wish I would have remembered its name.
Prvi zvončki in trobentice me vedno razveselijo. Upam, da bomo konec naslednjega meseca občudovali tudi cvetoče vrtne rože.
First snowdrops and primroses always bring joy and hopefully this time next month some flowers in our garden will have formed.
Naša štirinajst let stara mačka komaj čaka toplejše dni, mala pa pleza po drevesih.
Our fourteen years old cat is longing for warmer days, while the little one is climbing trees.


  1. Wonderful signs of spring! We got over this weekend 40 cm of new snow, sigh. I don’t know the name of the first plant, but it is pretty. Your cats are cute.!

  2. Flowers blooming in January. It can’t be too cold!

  3. Despite the cold you have more snowdrops than us! Hope you soon have warmer days so you and the cats can get out into the garden for longer. Sarah x


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