na novo / fresh start

Na novoletni dan sva se zjutraj izmuznila iz hiše in jo mahnila v bližnje hribe. Bilo je nenavadno toplo, sneg se je topil in hoja je bila precej naporna. Ampak se prav nič ne pritožujem, kakšen napor je prav zaželen po dneh, ko smo preveč jedli. Lansko leto sem skupno prehodila 1720 km (1070 milj). Upam, da bom ponovila isto, prehodila 1000 milj v letu. Pohodništvo je precej popularno v času pandemije. Zame so svež zrak, prekrasni razgledi in modro nebo najpomembnejši, kondicija je le dodaten bonus.
Čeprav so hribi zasneženi, sva na novoletni dan našla majhen cvetoč teloh. 
On New Year’s Day, we sneaked out of the house in the morning and went to the nearby mountains. It was unusually warm, the snow was melting and the walking uphill was quite strenuous, but it was good for calorie loss so I didn’t complain. Last year I walked 1070 miles (1720 km) in total and I hope that I will be able to reach the same goal: 100 miles in a year in 2022. Actually, hiking is very popular in these pandemic times. In my opinion, fresh air, wonderful views and blue sky are the main benefits, physical condition is just a bonus.
Although our hills are still covered with snow, we found one flowering hellebore on New Year's Day.
Prvi dan v letu sva šla do planine Razor,
On the first of January we went to Planina Razor,
drugi pa do Drežnice.
the second to the village Drežnica.
Razmišljala sem o lanskem letu, ki nam je bilo zagotovo v izziv, preizkušalo je našo potrpežljivost in vzdržljivost, zato samo upam, da bo leto 2022 mirno in prijazno. Zahvaljujem se vam, ker me obiskujete v Zelenih trenutkih, prav tako se zahvaljujem za vse komentarje. Ti so najlepše pri bloganju, zato mi čisto vsak veliko pomeni. Upam, da so moje zgodbice v angleščini razumljive in tudi, da vam moje pravopisne napake narišejo nasmeh na obraz. Srečno 2022!
I was thinking about last year. It was definitely a challenging year; it tested our endurance and patience level. I hope and wish for a peaceful and kind 2022. I would also like to thank you for hanging out with me at Zeleni trenutki and for all the comments. They are the best thing about blogging. Each one means a lot to me. I try to make my writing in English understandable and at the same time I hope that my writing mistakes bring smiles on your faces. Happy 2022!



  1. Happy New Year to you. What a stunning place you live in. Enjoy .Anesha x

  2. Good luck with the miles this year!

    That last photo is special. Love it.

  3. Beautiful pictures as always. Maybe if I lived in such stunning scenery I might have made a more energetic start to the year. Good luck with attaining your target mileage this year. Your English is very good indeed.

  4. Margi - congratulations on walking so many miles. I know that if I could not walk/be outside I would surely go mad!!! As always, your pictures are stunning. My favorite is the second to last, with the church. It could be a picture for a jigsaw puzzle! Happy New Year!

  5. So beautiful, I love your snow photos.


  6. Wonderful photos - happy hiking also in 2022! I sometimes use Google translator as the base of my text. Of course it must be looked through as Google makes many ridiculous mistakes. Have you tried this? Wishing a nice new week.


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