od Pirana do Strunjana / from Piran to Strunjan
Prejšnji vikend sva šla na obalo, ki v tem času kar malo sameva. Srečala sva le par turistov in hitro našla prosto parkirno mesto, kar je poleti skoraj nemogoče. Temperatura je bila malo nad ničlo, ampak je bilo zaradi vetra precej mrzlo.
Čeprav ima Slovenija le okoli 46 km obale, se tu najde kar nekaj lepih sprehajalnih poti. Javne sprehajalne poti so lepo označene. Midva pa sva kot navadno šla malo po svoje. Začela sva v Piranu in nadaljevala proti Strunjanu. Čeprav nebo ni bilo popolnoma jasno, se je v ozadju videl obris zasneženih hribov.
Last weekend we went to the seaside, which is a little lonely place at this time of the year. We met only a few tourists and had no difficulties finding free parking space, which was almost impossible during last summer. The temperatures were just above zero, but it was windy and it seemed cold to me.
Although, Slovenia has just above 46 km of coastline on the Adriatic Sea, there are some beautiful walking paths there. The official walking paths are well marked. As usual, we chose our own tour. In the morning we started walking in Piran and headed to Strunjan. Although, the sky wasn't entirely clear, the outline of snowy mountains in the distance could be seen.
Nadaljevala sva pot do Fiese, kjer se sladkovodno jezero nahaja tik ob morju.
We continued to Fiesa, where a sweet water lake is located near the sea bay.Kljub temu, da je še vedno mrzlo, so že zacvetele prve cvetlice.
As I mentioned it was quite cold, but the first flowers are blooming already.V Strunjanu sva se ustavila v solinah.
Finally, we reached Strunjan and stopped at salt pans.
Sonce je zahajalo, ptice so se igrale na morju, midva pa sva sedela in gledala. Galebi so bili tako elegantni, igrivi, svobodni... Lahko bi jih gledala neskončno dolgo.
The sun was about to set, the birds were playing and we were sitting and watching. The seagulls are so elegant, so playful, so free… I could sit there forever.
The blues of sea and sky are incredible. And the birds…I could almost hear them.
ReplyDeleteWhat a gloriously blue sea; our North Sea tends to look more brown than blue at this time of year.
ReplyDeleteSuch a joy to have both snowy mountains and sunny seaside to explore