mali Beni / little Beni

Mislila sem, da bom pisala blog o čisto navadnih decembrskih dneh, o pečenju piškotov, pa o okraskih, pletenju in igranju z mačkami v dolgih večerih, ko je je zgodilo nekaj čisto nepričakovanega. Naš mali mucek Beni je imel prometno nesrečo, ki se zanj ni izšla. 
Naš najmlajši sin vestno skrbi za svoje mačke in jih ima zelo rad. Mislim, da vsi ljubitelji živali razumejo, da boli, ko izgubiš malega prijatelja. Vsem nam je bilo hudo in mali je jokal, saj je izgubil svojega mucka.
I was thinking about writing a blog about everyday life in December, baking cookies, decorating, staying at home, knitting, and playing with our kitties in the long evenings and then something unexpected happened. Our little cat had a car accident, and he didn’t survive.
My youngest son takes care of our kitties all the time and he really loves them. I think that all animal lovers understand that a loss of a pet can hurt. We were sorry and my son cried. He was very sad about losing a little cute cat and a good companionship.
Mucka sta k nam prišla junija in takoj postala naša mala prijateljčka. Beni je bil zelo, zelo majhen, radoveden in preveč pogumen. Včasih se nam je zdelo, da nas razume, kot da bi bil majhen kuža. Mogoče sem preveč čustvena, vendar ga pogrešam.
Our little kitties were brought home in June, and they were very welcome. The male cat Beni was really really small, very curious, and too brave. Sometimes we had a feeling that he understood us like he was a little dog. Maybe I'm too emotional, but I miss him.
December se ni najlepše začel. Upam, da bo moj naslednji blog samo o lučkah, pečenju peciva in praznovanju.
This December didn't start very well, and I really hope that my next blog will be about Christmas lights, baking and celebrating.


  1. So sorry for the loss of your sweet pet!

  2. Oh wie traurig. Ein geliebtes Haustier zu verlieren ist immer schlimm.
    Gruß Anette

  3. So sorry to hear about the loss of your little friend.

  4. So sorry to hear about loosing your dear kitten. It hurts.

  5. All my best for you. It's a big loss. So I cross my fingers and send warm thoughts.


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