sankanje v mesečini / sledding in the moonlight

Sonce je zašlo, luna pa je osvetlila zasnežene hribe. Medtem, ko smo se sankali, je postajalo hladneje in sneg je začel zmrzovati. Sankanje je bilo zabavno in malo divje.
As the sun set, the moon illuminated the snowy hills and the visibility was incredibly good. It became colder and the snow began to freeze as we were sledding downhill. It was funny and a little wild.
Nebo je spreminjalo barvo od roza do modre.
The sky changed its colour from pink to blue.
Nekaj trenutkov pred zahodom sonca so bile barve bolj izrazite.

Some moments before the sunset the colours were much more intense.

V tednu lepega vremena se je sneg po bližnjih hribih se je precej stopil. Ampak še vedno je lepo hoditi po snegu in smučarji še vedno uživajo v turnem smučanju, ko za sabo puščajo sveže sledi.
A week of sunny weather considerably melted the snow in the nearby hills. Still, it's nice to hike and some skiers simply adore to ski off-piste leaving fresh traces in the snow.
Pozimi je po dolinah navadno megla, hribi pa se kopajo v soncu. Ravno to se je zgodilo včeraj, ko smo na Kobilji glavi uživali v toplem popoldnevu.
In winter the valleys are frequently covered with fog, on the contrary, the mountains are bathed in the sun. Exactly that happened yesterday, when we were on Kobilja glava enjoying the warm afternoon.


  1. Wonderful photos that really capture the beauty of the winter mountains, especially those early ones as the sky turns from pink to deep blue. Have a good Christmas!

  2. You make winter look glorious! Merry Christmas!

  3. Stunning photos, love the place. Happy Christmas. Anesha

  4. Margi - I can't think of the last time I went sledding! I do a lot of downhill and cross-country skiing; maybe it's time to get a sled! Thanks for sharing these beautiful winter shots. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  5. Beautiful images, hope you had a fantastic Christmas. Sarah x

  6. Wonderful photos of the snowy mountains Margi. The first two with pink sky are extremely beautiful. Happy New Year!


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