vrt v oktobru / our garden in October 2021

V oktobru zasije jesen v vsej svoji lepoti. Čeprav je v vrtu vedno manj cvetočih rož, so listi tako lepi, kot bi se spremenili v cvetlice. Ker je še vedno prijetno toplo, je ob popoldnevih prav prijetno porabiti kakšno uro na vrtu. Približuje se zima, zato je dela vedno manj, kar mi kar malo paše.
No doubt, October is the month of  autumn's glory. Although, the number of flowering plants in the garden diminished, the leaves look so beautiful as if they “turned into flowers”. Because of the warm temperatures, it’s nice to spend an hour or two in the garden in the afternoons. It’s almost winter, so there’s less garden work and I’m quite comfortable with that.

Kupila sem nekaj tulipanov, da bo vrt pripravljen za pomlad. Samo še ugotoviti moram, kam naj jih posadim. Pomembno je, da načrtujemo barvne kombinacije, kje bomo tulipane posadili,... Trenutno je na vrtu malo cvetja, hortenzija pa mi je še vedno všeč. 
For a flowering spring garden, I’ve bought some tulip bulbs. Now, I need a good idea where to plant them. It’s necessary to think ahead about colour combinations, where to plant... Now, among the rare flowers in the garden hortensia still looks wonderful.

V rastlinjak sem posadila zimsko solato, v vrtu je velijo zimske zelenjave.
I’ve planted winter lettuce in our greenhouse. The garden is full of winter vegetables.

Med sprehodi po gozdu smo nabrali nekaj kostanja.
During our walks in the forest, we picked some chestnuts, I adore them roasted.

Jeseni je šipek zelo lep, nabiranje pa ni ravno lahko naloga, posebej, če si brez rokavic. Vsekakor pa je šipkov čaj zelo okusen, še posebej, če mu dodamo malo limona.
Dog rose berries look great in the autumn, but picking them from bushes isn’t an easy job without good gloves. However, rose hip tea is very tasteful especially if some lemon is added.


  1. You get some amazing colours in your garden compared with us. Those larch trees in your previous post also took my breath away!

  2. There are so many fall colors in nature. Even though it's not cold here, we have the end of summer colors. Love the chestnuts...so interesting!

  3. We can’t eat the horse chestnuts here. The rose hip tea sounds like a good idea. A lot of work though.

  4. Margi - I also love chestnuts, but they are hard to find in the western U.S. My goodness, what a large amount of rose hips! You will be able to enjoy tea throughout the winter. Have you ever tried planting them? Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  5. Autumn is my favorite season. I love that we still have blooms and color.

  6. I miss chestnuts from Switzerland.
    Your roses are generous!

  7. The colours in your garden look wonderful. We gather Sweet Chestnuts here too; there used to be an old man who lived in the village who would collect them every year and take them to the village pub, then he would sit by the fireside, roasting them and handing them out free to everyone in the pub.

  8. I have never tasted a fresh chestnut. Around the winter holidays they are shipped in from somewhere, advertised for a high price but taste like cardboard. I would love to try a fresh one. I bet they are delicious.


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