dolina rumenih macesnov / valley of yellow larch trees

Oktobra postanejo listi na drevesih rumeni in tudi rdeči. Macesni, ki rastejo visoko v hribih, rumeno zažarijo. Po mojem, je ravno zaradi tega jesen idealen čas za pohodništvo. Macesni rastejo v nekaterih predelih Triglavskega narodnega parka in prav zaradi njih so ta področja kar oblegana. Včeraj sva se odpravila proti Travniku, ki pa med planinci ni ravno priljubljena točka. Pravzaprav, med štiri urnim vzponom nisva srečala nikogar. Pobočje hriba je precej strmo in v enem kraju tudi malo nevarno. Kljub temu se je napor izplačal. Skalnat vrh pa ni bil najin cilj, raje sva uživala v hoji po Travnikovi dolini, ki je v tem času dolina zlatih macesnov. Njihova lepota traja le kratek čas.
In October the leaves on trees are changing from green to yellow and sometimes red. The larch trees growing in the high elevations are bright yellow now and therefore in my opinion autumn is a perfect time for hiking. The larch trees grow in some areas of Triglav national park, so some of them are almost overcrowded. Yesterday we were hiking to Travnik, which is not a very popular mountain among mountaineers. Actually, we were walking for about four hours uphill and we haven’t met anyone. The slopes are very steep and in one part it is a bit dangerous. Nevertheless, it was worth the effort. We didn't mean to go to the rocky peak, instead we rather enjoyed walking through the Travnik valley, which is in autumn a place of golden larch trees. Their beauty lasts only for a short time.


  1. WOW the colorfulness of the larches is stunning, beautiful pictures.

    Greetings from Germany

  2. Wow! Beautiful images.

    My latest post:

  3. Brilliant colour. I've seen individual larches turn colour but never so many all together. Well worth the effort involved, I should imagine.

  4. Gorgeous color - autumn is my favorite season, and this reminds me why!
    Thanks for sharing at

  5. I love your mountain views! The larch trees look beautiful this time of year--autumn is a treasure!

  6. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.

  7. Unusual for a conifer to show autumn colour (to my eyes)

    1. The larch trees are un exception among conifers.

  8. Margi - we also have larches in Montana, and to me they always look like torches among the green of the classic pine trees. Gorgeous photos!


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