Rdeči rob in bližnji hribi / Mt. Rdeči rob and nearby hills

Ta vikend je bil najin cilj Rdeči rob, ki je v naši bližini. Pravzaprav sem si že nekaj časa želela na to rdečo skalo ujeto med belimi hribi. 
Our destination this weekend was Rdeči rob (red mountain). It isn't far from us, and I wanted to visit this red rock captured between white mountains for some time.
Jutra so hladnejša in lepo bi bilo ostati v postelji še kakšno uro. Ker pa sva se odločila za daljši potep, se ni bilo pretežko zbuditi zgodaj. Ko sva prišla na parkirišče, je bilo še vedno temno.
Mornings are getting cold, and it would be nice to stay in bed for an extra hour or two. But we decided to go on a long hike, so it wasn't a problem to wake up early. As we arrived at the parking place, it was still dark.
Bilo je čisto tiho, sonce se je zbudilo za gorami, midva pa sva se začela vzpenjati naprej od planine Leskovca. Rdeči rob se je v temi precej slabo videl. 
It was very quiet when the sun rose behind the mountains, and we started to walk uphill from the mountain pasture Leskovca. Mt. Rdeci rob was badly visible in the dark.
Ko sva prispela do gore, se je čreda ovčk spuščala po pobočju.
As we approached the mountain a flock of sheep walked down the slope.
Po nekaj metrih vzpona sva dosegla vrh on uživala v razgledu. Rdeča barva hriba je posledica različne geološke sestave.
After a few metres we reached the top and enjoyed the view. The red colour of this hill is the consequence of different geological structures.
Pot sva nadaljevala do sosednjega Škofiča.
We continued to walk to the nearest peak named Škofič.
Z njegovega vrha je neverjeten razgled na jezero v Lužnici, ki ježi približno 200 metrov spodaj.
From its peak it is an amazing view to the lake Lužnica approximately 200 metres below.
Krnsko hribovje je bilo med prvo svetovno vojno bojišče. Čeprav danes uživamo v krasnih razgledih, ne gre pozabiti žalostne zgodovine teh krajev. V razdalji sva opazila spomenik na Peskih, ki spominja na tiste čase. 
The nearby hills were the battlefields in the first world war. Although the views are wonderful, the history of these places is sad. A monument of first world war Peski can be seen in the distance.
Do jezera v Lužnici sva se spustila po strmem pobočju.
We approached the lake after descending a steep slope.
Ker je bilo šele poldne in se nisva želela prehitro vrniti domov, sva nadaljevala pot po gorski dolini do Batognice.
It was about noon, and we didn't want to return home too early, so we walked through a mountain valley to Mt. Batognica.
V tej dolini lahko najdemo ostanke školjk izpred 200 milijonov let. Mislim, da si nisva vzela dovolj časa, da bi si natančno ogledala skale. Torej, naslednjič se posvetiva podrobnostim in dobiva kakšno boljšo fotko.
In this valley shell remains from 200 million years ago can be seen. I think we didn't take enough time to examine the place, but next time we should focus on more details and take better pictures.
Granate, spomin na tedanje čase srečamo na veliko mestih, tudi na Batognici. Vrh tega hriba je bil med prvo svetovno vojno zaradi ogromne eksplozije uničen in čisto spremenjen. 
Artillery shell memorial can be seen in many places including Mt Batognica. The peak of this mountain was totally destroyed due to a huge explosion in the first world war.
Še vedno je tu veliko ostankov iz takratnega časa, pa tudi rovov, prehodov...
Still, many remains including trenches and passages can be seen.
Moj mož ima rad zgodovino, vedno preuči vse podatke, pa tehnične podrobnosti. Jaz pa raje živim v sedanjosti in ga zato nikoli pozorno ne poslušam. Sem pa opazovala oblačno nebo, zeleno rastlinico v skalah, prvi sneg in dvigajočo se meglo.
My husband adores history, always studies all the data and technical detail. On the other hand, I like to live in the present moment and therefore I never listen to his stories carefully. So, I've noticed cloudy sky, beautiful plant in the rock, first snow and lifting fog.
Pozno popoldne dva se vrnila v dolino in si privoščila kavo. Hodila sva približno devet ur in premagala okoli 1500 m do 1600 m nadmorske višine.
In the late afternoon we returned to the valley and had a nice cup of coffee. We have walked for about nine hours and overcame about 1.500 or 1.600 metres altitude.


  1. Incredible mountain views; it was a long time ago when I used to be able to do walks like that - enjoy the mountains while you can!

    1. I'm becoming more and more aware of this.

  2. Beautiful mountain views! Very special war history.

  3. The scenery up there is just fabulous to see! The beauty is just astounding. And the artillery shell reminder is a bit solemn. Great photos.

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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