vikend na Krku / weekend getaway to Krk

Poleti so hrvaški otoki prepolni turistov, ki uživajo v kopanju in sončenju. V oktobru pa se njihovo število močno zmanjša. Le malokdo ve, da so v tem času otoki raj za pohodnike.
Whereas Croatian islands are often overcrowded by tourists enjoying swimming in the warm sea and sunbathing during summer season, the number of tourists is considerably reduced in October. Hardly anyone realised that these beautiful islands are now hiking paradise.

Prejšnji petek, takoj po službi sva se odpeljala na obalo in v poznih večernih urah prispela na otok Krk. Napornemu tednu je sledil krasen vikend. Zbudila sva se v sobotno jutro, sonce je ravno obsijalo sklale ob obali, kjer sva si privoščila zajtrk.
Last Friday after we got out of work, we immediately drove to the seacoast and arrived on island Krk in the late evening. A busy week was followed by a fantastic weekend. We woke up on the Saturday morning, the sun just lit up the rocks and we had breakfast on the beach.

Odločila sva se, da greva na pohod iz Stare Baške v Baško kar ob obali, brez vsakega načrta. Morda to ni bilo najbolj pametno. Tam ni uhojene poti, obala se precej strmo dviga iz morja, skale so krušljive in tudi razdalja ni najmanjša. Nazaj grede, sva našla pravo pot, ki je dobro vzdrževana, precej krajša in tudi dobro označena. Hoja po skalnati obali pa je vendarle imela eno prednost, povsod je rastel žajbelj in vonj je bil neverjeten.
We decided to walk from Stara Baška to Baška near the coast without a plan, which was not a sensible choice, but rather adventurous one. There was no path, the coast rose steeply from the sea, the rocks were crumbly, and the distance was long. When we were retuning back, we found another path, which was well maintained, short, and well-marked. But I must admit the way over the rocky coast had an important advantage, sage plants were everywhere, and they smelled amazing.

Na sončen dan je razgled s hribov na Baško krasen.
The view of Baška from the mountain on a sunny day was perfect.

Čeprav je hribov videti, da je do Baške kar dolga pot, sva bila kmalu tam. Mesto je mirno in le nekaj ljudi je uživalo sončen dan ob obali.
Although it looked a long way, we reached the town quickly. The town was calm and only a few people enjoyed the sunny day on the beach.

Baška ponuja veliko različnih možnosti za pohode. Midva sva se odločila, da greva do Mesečeve planine. Najprej sva hodila po borovem gozdu,
Baška offers lots of varieties of hiking trails. We decided to extend our hike to Moon Mountain. We walked through the pine forest,

uživala v razgledu na mesto z druge strani doline,
enjoyed a view of the city from the other side of the valley,

in skozi lesena vrata vstopila na mesečevo pokrajino.
and entered the rocky landscape through the wooden door.

Pred vhodom je bilo opozorilo namenjeno turistom in sicer, da lahko na planini srečamo kačo ali strupenega pajka. Na sreči, jih nisva. Videla sva samo prijazne ovčke, ki so jedle travo. Opazovala sva kamnite zidove za ovce, ki so že stoletja del pokrajine. Na podobo zapuščene pokrajine močno vpliva tudi veter.
It was a warning for tourists, that we could meet a snake or some spiders there, but luckily, we didn't. Only sheep were eating poor grass and they were friendly. The shepherd's dry-stone walls have been the part of the island landscape for centuries. The strong wind has an important influence on this deserted land.

Med vožnjo domov sva se večkrat ustavila, saj se nama ni mudilo. Ustavila sva se v kraju Krk,
During our drive home we stopped at different places because we weren't in a hurry. We stopped in a town called Krk,

se sprehodila po ozkih ulicah,
walked through narrow streets,

poklepetala z prijaznim galebom
had a chat with a friendly seagull

in opazovala jadrnice.
and observed sailing boats.

Pozno zvečer sva se vrnila domov. Zakaj se lepe stvari vedno prehitro končajo?
Later in the afternoon we returned home. Why do all good things always come to an end so quickly?


  1. Thank you for taking me along to such a beautiful place. It sounds like a wonderful weekend.

  2. What a perfect day to be walking on such a scenic island. My parents fell in love with the Croatian islands back in the 1970s. It's often a surprise how much excellent walking exists just a short way from the beaches on many Mediterranean islands.

  3. It looks glorious. Love all the history packed into those drystone walls. And sage ... sigh :~))

  4. Lepo sem se pogrela ob teh čudovitih posnetkih, sploh na današnji temačen, turoben jesenski dan. Meni osebno so jesenski dnevi na morju najlepši

  5. Margi - the best time to visit tourist spots is when the tourists are not there! We live in just this sort of spot. Your photos are spectacular!

    You asked about bears being close to homes. Yes, it happens fairly often around here because humans have moved into the habitat that once belonged to the bears. It is so important that we give them the space and the environment that they deserve! We are the interlopers!

  6. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.


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