na morje / to the seaside

Po koncu šole smo za par dni šli na morje. Priznam, da se nam je po napornih zadnjih mesecih prileglo malo počitka. Letos je bilo turistov manj kot ponavadi. Očitno je tudi strah ena od posledic covida 19. Seveda se tudi mi nismo zadrževali v gužvi. Namesto tega smo uživali v bicikliranju, plavanju in dolgih sprehodih.

We went to the island Pag in Croatia and spent a few days at the seashore. I must admit that I needed to relax after busy last months. This year there are less tourists as usual. It's obvious that fear is one of the impacts of covid 19. We didn't stay in the crowd, of course. Instead we enjoyed sports such as cycling, swimming and walking long distances.
Ker so temperature že precej visoke, smo vstajali zgodaj zjutraj in kolesarili. Zjutraj je morje čisto mirno in vse je tako tiho.

Enkrat smo kolesarili tudi do Luna in obiskali tamkajšnje vrtove Lunskih oliv. Tam smo videli prav posebna, nenavadna oljčna drevesa, med njimi tudi drevo staro nad 1.600 let. Nekje na sredini je majhen ribnik, pravzaprav izvir sladke vode. V njem cvetijo lokvanji in se sončijo žabice.

The temperatures were quite high, so we woke up early in the morning to do some sport. The sea was calm, and everything was so quite in the morning.

One morning we cycled to Lun and visited park of olives. Some extraordinary trees can be seen there, for example one olive tree is over 1.600 years old. Also, a little pond, which is in fact a spring of fresh water is in the park. Water lilies were blooming in the pond and frogs were sunbathing.

Tudi sprehodi zgodaj zjutraj so prijetni. Povsod ob obalah raste laški smilj. Prebrala sem, da je poznan predvsem zaradi pozitivnih učinkov na zrelo kožo.

Early morning walks by the sea were also very nice. Curry plant (helecrysum italicum) grows all over the beach. I've read that it is very popular plant because of its positive effects on mature skin.

Včasih tako prija, da si lahko malo odpočijemo in uživamo lepote narave.

It feels so good to relax and just enjoy beautiful nature for a few days.


  1. Wonderful landscape! I love those gorgeous trees!

  2. Beautiful place, and I love the twisty trees, and serene waterside! Welcome to All Seasons, and sharing about your vacation time. Hope you are having a great time, and hope you know All Seasons is also about "your experience" in the seasons, so it could also be a birthday, or something special in your life (season).

  3. My kind of getaway. I'm glad you were able to. :-)

  4. Beautiful photos. I had no idea that olive trees could live to be so old!

  5. What a great place to unwind.

  6. Just so lovely. Have a great weekend.

  7. Until right now I was unaware of the island of Pag. Your photos make it look so much more inviting than those that come up searching "island of pag." They look barren and uninviting, while yours are lovely. I love growing unusual herbs, but my zone grows too cold for curry plant.

  8. zavidim :-)
    gorgeous photos.


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