marec na vrtu / our garden in March 2020

Na začetku marca je bilo lepo vreme, zato smo hiteli s prekopavanjem vrta. Letos na vrtu ne delam sama. Tudi študentje so morali ostati doma in lahko pomagajo pri delu. Posejala sem solato, špinačo in grah. Mogoče malo prezgodaj. Zadnje dni je namreč precej hladno, zunaj piha in veter nosi snežinke.
There was nice weather at the beginning of the month, so we dug up the garden. Also the students have to stay at home and can help me now. I've sown salad, spinach and bean seeds. Maybe a little too soon. Lately the weather was cold and windy and we could see some snowflakes in the wind.
V lončke sem presadila sadike paradižnikov in paprike. Mogoče sem letos malo pretiravala s količino. Posadila sem več kot sto rastlinic. Ampak vsako leto jih podarjam prijateljicam, tako, da gotovo ne bodo ostajale.
I planted small tomatoes and peppers in the pots. There are more than a hundred plants. Perhaps I exaggerated with the quantity. On the other hand, I usually give some of these plants to my friends.
Zacvetele so narcise, okrasno grmovje in marelica. Bojim se, da prezgodaj. Ker moramo ostajati doma, še raje delamo na vrtu. Delo na vrtu sprošča in pozitivno vpliva na nas.
Daffodils, some bushes and the apricot tree are blooming. That might be too soon! Garden work is a very welcoming task in this time. It's relaxing and positive.

Tale šopek pa mi je tamal nabral za materinski dan na travniku pred hišo. A ni lep?
My little one gave me this bouquet for Mother's day. The flowers were picked at the meadow in front of our house. Aren't they beautiful?


  1. All of your photos are lovely, and the Mothers Day flowers are so unique! Do you know the name of them? Yes, they are very beautiful!

  2. I think it's a type of hellebore.

  3. Lovely to see your spring flowers, I love the colour of your japonica, your seeds are very impressive too! Sarah x

  4. Google translate says - the wind is wearing snowflakes - I do like that (idea, reading about a blizzard in Sweden, I prefer not to LIVE the experience!)

  5. There is no such thing as too many tomato plants, too many tomatoes or too many friends. We were wishing for a fresh tomato at lunch yesterday.

    The wind was still wearing snowflakes in my Google translation.


  6. I live in Slovenia and the weather here is warmer than in Sweden. About twenty or fifteen years ago there was a lot of snowing every winter, nowadays snow is a rare gift.

  7. Uau, tako velike sadikce imaš že??? Tudi pri nas smo na vrtu letos malo pohiteli, sedaj pa držim pesti da sneg in mraz ni naredil hujše škode...

  8. Your blooms are all lovely and I'm sure you will find lots of uses for those tomatoes! Thank you for the smile!


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