danes je četrtek / today is Thursday

... in jutri bo petek, zadnji delavni dan ta teden, tudi za nas punce, ki še vedno delamo s strankami, ujete nekje med interesi javnega zdravja in kapitala. Hči me vsako jutro opominja, da ne bom s kom preblizu in da naj se pazim. Ko pa pridem domov, najprej vpraša, saj nisi bila preblizu koga, saj si razkužuješ roke... Ja, vse delam in se trudim ostati pozitivna. 

Popoldne prekopavamo vrt, zvečer pa pečem kruh, da nam ni treba v trgovino. Letos vsi otroci pomagajo na vrtu in več se pogovarjamo in vse je malo drugače. Po službi sva z punco šle na  nekaj minutni sprehod do starega drevesa, ki ta čas noro cveti. Belo cvetje in modro nebo. Ja, zadnje dni se mi nebo zdi nekam bolj modro kot ponavadi.

... and tomorrow is Friday. That's the last working day in this week also for the girls, who have to work in time of coranavirus. My daughter reminds me every morning not to get too close to the customers and she also asks me about my working day in the afternoons. Of course, I try to consider all the instruction and to stay positive.

In the afternoons we are working in the garden and in the evening I bake some bread. So we don't have to go shopping. This year the children are at home and help with household chores. The life is changing because of the epidemic. This afternoon, me and my daughter went to an old tree and admire its blossom. The white blossom and blue sky look wonderful.


  1. Beautiful photos and landscape. We need these reminders now in an uncertain time, that things of value will survive. We will all get through this!

  2. Your blossom is beautiful, stay safe. Sarah x


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