Would you like to go for a walk?

In the evenings I prefer drawing and painting to watching TV. Last week in my mind I was walking through a forest that was just getting autumn colours. It was nice and warm, the gentle breeze and rustling leaves have added to the serenity of the forest. It was calm and quiet, and no one could distract me.

Zadnje tedne sem ob večerih raje risala namesto gledala televizijo. V mislim sem se sprehajala po gozdu, ki je ravnokar začel dobivati jesenske barve. Prijetno in toplo je bilo, šelestenje listja je pripomoglo k spokojnosti gozda. Bilo je povsem mirno in tiho in nihče meni mogel zmotiti.


  1. A perfect way to spend your evenings. You ave expressed your thoughts of autumn beautifully in this image.

  2. That is wonderful on your staircase - a new window!


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