our garden in April 2024

Although the time of blooming trees is already gone, I must post a picture of the Asimina tree I like so much. The photo is from the beginning of the month.
Čeprav so sadna drevesa že odcvetela, objavljam fotografija asimine iz začetka meseca.
This year's April's weather surprised us repeatedly, the month started with almost summer temperatures, followed by storms, hail and heavy rain, and finally we had a cold period. We tried to arrange the garden at the beginning of the month, and lately rested for some time. Well, now the sun is shining, and the first peonies are blooming in our garden.
Letošnji april nas je vedno znova presenečal, najprej z skoraj poletnimi temperaturami, nato z nevihtami, sodro in dežjem in potem še z mrzlim obdobjem. Najprej smo hiteli z urejanjem vrta, potem pa za kar nekaj časa na vrtna dela pozabili. No, sedaj spet sije sonček in na našem vrtu že cvetijo potonike.
It smells so good in the herb garden. My favourite place!
V zeliščnem vrtu tako lepo diši. Meni je ta košček zelo pri srcu.
Yesterday we planted tomato and pepper seedlings in the greenhouse. This year I wasn't working alone, my husband, daughter and younger son helped me. We had such a nice family gardening day and it ended with a picnic. I appreciate the company. The more, the merrier.
Včeraj smo v rastlinjak posadili sadike paradižnika in paprike. Letos nisem sadila sama, pomagal mi je mož, hči in mlajši sin. Imeli smo tak družinski vrtnarski dan in ga končali s piknikom. Tudi vrtnarjenje je v družbi bolj zabavno.


  1. Great photos! Especially the cow! Peonies are among my favourite flowers. Gorgeous!

  2. That looks idyllic. I admire you growing your own food.

  3. Wow your garden is so much more advanced than here with peonies and other flowers in bloom. I can almost smell your lovely herb garden from here! It's lovely to enjoy all the new fresh growth. x

  4. Our April this year was much warmer than usual with summer-like days, so many kinds of flowers burst out early. Due to the big temperature difference day and night, my body couldn’t adjust easily. How nice working together with family in the garden! I grow the same species of Thyme with those pink flowers in my garden.

  5. My peonies bloomed this week and then next day we had a horrible storm which beat them down to the ground. It always happens that way. This morning I saw more blooming so I must go pick them before another storm blows in. I am not complaining. It is great to be getting plenty of rain.

    A family picnic sounds like so much fun.



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