
In the afternoons I often visit my husband's workshop. His products, the furniture made of wood always make me feel warm and cosy and comfortable. In fact, these things make me feel at home. Some weeks ago, we were talking about old furniture our grandpas were making, such as handmade wooden boxes. On some of them some flowers were painted, and these items were considered to be extra fancy. Eventually we got an idea to make a modern wooden box with painted flowers. The edge of the new box is in the shape of the natural wooden board, the wood is treated with natural oil and the flower picture I painted is an apple tree blossom. He made the box, and I did the painting. Actually, this is the first wooden item we made together. How do you like it?
Po službi se večkrat ustavim v delavnici mojega moža. Njegovi izdelki, pohištvo iz lesa mi vedno dajo občutek topline, neke domačnosti in udobja. Ko gledam te izdelke, se počutim, da sem doma. Pred nekaj tedni sva se pogovarjala o starem pohištvu, ki so ga izdelovali naši dedje. Lesene skrinje, na primer. Nekatere so poslikali z rožami in te skrinje so veljale za posebej imenitne. Postopoma sva prišla do ideje narediti sodobno skrinjo in jo poslikati. Rob pokrova nove skrinje ni spremenjen, ampak je ostal v obliki deske. Skrinja je premazana z naravnim oljem, nanjo je narisana cvetoča jablana. On je naredil skrinjo, jaz pa sem jo poslikala. Pravzaprav je to prvi izdelek, ki sva ga naredila s skupnimi močmi. Vam je všeč?


  1. It is beautiful! Well done, you two!

  2. How lovely to be able to create this beautiful box, together. Did your husband make the plant box on the right, as well? A work of art!

  3. What a nice collaboration! I’m marveled at your husband’s craftmanship as well as your painting skills.


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