a bunch of flowers

Lately I was spending my evening painting, occupied with brushes and colours, and thinking about spring. So, I’ve just finished painting this bunch of flowers. Regardless, Valentine week is over, the idea of showing love and friendship and attention is never ending and bunches of flowers are always appropriate gifts.
Večerne ure v zadnjem tednu sem porabila za slikanje. Med čopiči in barvami, sem razmišljala o pomladi. Tako, moj pomladni šopek je končan. Ne glede na to, da je Valentinov teden že mimo, rože so vedno primerno darilo.
Of course, the roses will bloom after a few months. At the moment some tiny yellow and blue flowers can be found in my garden. I love those emerging spring flowers and birdsong and delicate little green leaves.
Seveda bodo vrtnice zacvetele šele čez nekaj mesecev. Trenutno so na mojem vrtu majhni rumeni in vijola cvetki. Vsako pomlad znova občudujem pomladno cvetje in petje ptic in nežne zelene listke.


  1. Delightful images and such a cheerful painting.

  2. I love this painting of flowers, too. You have various different things for your pastime.


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