hiking in Val Resia
A sunny Sunday was a perfect day for hiking. We intended to visit Resia, where we were walking at the beginning of this year. The first surprise awaited us at the Italian border, where we spent some time waiting for documents to be checked. Then the shortest road was closed, consequently the driving time was extended by an hour. Finally, we reached Solbica and continued along the narrow, steep, very winding road to the village of Korita (Coritis, 641 m), where we parked. Circular hiking route no. 642 begins about two bends below the village.
Sončna nedelja se nama je zdela čisto primerna za en hribovki potep v Rezji. Prvo presenečenje naju je čakalo na meji z Italijo, kjer so porabili precej časa za pregled najinih dokumentov. Nato je sledila še zaprta cesta, kar nama je čas vožnje podaljšalo za približno uro. Končno sva le prispela do Solbice in po ozki, strmi, zelo ovinkasti cesti nadaljevala do vasi Korita (Coritis, 641 m), kjer sva parkirala. Kakšna dva ovinka pod vasjo se začne krožna pot 642.
First, we walked through the forest and climbed up to the abandoned mountain pasture Berdo di sotto, where there are only a few ruins that remind us of former times.
Najprej sva hodila po gozdu in se povzpela do zapuščene planine Spodnje Brdo (Berdo di sotto), kjer le le nekaj ruševin, ki spominjajo na nekdanje čase.
Later we left the forest and continued to the little mountain hut Casera Canin (1443 m). The first thing we noticed was that the view of the valley was wonderful. We also peeked into the bivouac, which was nicely arranged. Maybe one day we could spend the night there and make coffee in the morning and watch the valley. It sounds like a good idea to me. No need to say it twice.
Kasneje sva prišla iz gozda in nadaljevala pot po snegu do bivaka na planini Kanin (Casera Canin, 1443 m), kjer se odpre čudovit pogled na dolino. Pokukala sva tudi v bivak, ki je bil lepo urejen. Malo naju je zamikalo, da bi nekega dne tu prespala eno noč in si zjutraj skuhala kavo ter opazovala dolino. Medi se zdi dobra ideja in ni mi potrebno dvakrat reči,..
After a short pause, we continued along the circular path to the Berdo di sopra, then we descended through the forest, and walked the last part of the way to the village along the road. It took us about five hours for the whole hike. Although Resia valley is quite a secluded and unpopular place, we are surprised by its simple beauty everytime we are there.
Po krajšem počitku sva nadaljevala po krožni poti do planine Zgornje brdo (Berdo di sopra), nato sva se spustila po gozdu, zadnji del poti do vasi pa sva prehodila po cesti. Za celotno pot sva potrebovala okoli pet ur. Malo osamljena in ravno priljubljena je tale Rezija, ampak, ko jo obiščeva sva vedno znova presenečena nad njeno preprosto lepoto.
Dear Margi - Living in an island country, I’m envious of you that you can pass borders to other countries by car. I felt both crisp, cold air and warm sunshine seeing through such simple beauties. The layers of the mountains (#2 and #6) is similar to my country’s where 70 percent of land is mountains. Wish you a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Margi - beautiful scenery, as always. Sign me up for the bivouac! Looks romantic! Thanks for your visit to my blog and your comment!