when autumn meets winter

Unlike last month, this weekend we had sunny weather which was a great opportunity for a short trip. Autumn is a wonderful time, it's still warm, the leaves are shining yellow and red and the larch trees are gold. Unfortunately, we were a week or two too late. On Slemenova špica larch needles have already fallen off and we enjoyed walking in the snow.
Zadnji vikend je bil sončen in krasna priložnost za krajši potep na Slemenovo špico. Jesen je čudovit čas, še vedno je toplo, listi se bleščijo v rumenih ali rdečih odtenkih, macesni dobijo zlate iglice. Midva sva jih na žalost za kakšen teden ali dva zamudila. Macesnom na Slemenovi špici so iglice že odpadla, sva pa uživala v hoji po snegu.
Near the starting point we could admire last autumn gold or what's left of it.
Na izhodišču sva lahko občudovala še zadnje zlate macesne.


  1. It's so difficult to get the timing just right for the autumn colours. However the snow on those spectacular mountains is ample compensation - absolutely stunning.

  2. The mountains call through the seasons and their beauty is hard to beat. Great excursion!

  3. A spectacularly beautiful day for this excursion. Crisp blue skies, glistening snow and vast vistas, so much to enjoy.

  4. Dear Margi - Snow on autumnal landscape of mountains adds so much beauty. Like your place, warm days last very long, but suddenly winter came in my part of the world as if skipping over autumn. Unfortunately no snow here.


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