abandoned village of Lemovje
When it comes to a conversation above abandoned villages I always think about remote islands, high mountains or other distant and isolated places. Actually, there's no need to travel so far to find one. Over the last few decades people were constantly moving from mountain villages to urban areas looking for job opportunities as well as advantages of modern life and left behind empty houses.
Ko se pogovarjamo o zapuščenih vaseh, vedno pomislim na oddaljene otoke, vasi med gorami, na oddaljene in izolirane kraje. V resnici, pa ni potrebno iti posebno deleč. Zapuščene vasi so čisto blizu nas. Zadnja desetletja se ljudje izseljujejo iz gorskih vasic v doline, v mesta, kjer iščejo priložnosti za zaslužek in prednosti urbanega življenja, za sabo pa puščajo prazne hiše.
Such a tiny little village of Lemovje (elevation 856 m) with only a few houses is located in our area, not far away from us. Yesterday we drove to village Soča, parked a car near the village church and walked for about 45 minutes upon a steep slope. I mean literally steep as we were climbing up step by step. The village is accessible only on foot, there is no road leading to it. That's the main reason that the residents moved and also the reason that the village kept its charm. It is located on a mountain meadow somewhere at the forest border in the middle of nowhere. Only one house is preserved and one renovated, the other are mostly ruins. There are also many rock walls around the village. Anyway the place is wonderful and magical and the views are amazing. The Soča valley is situated amony high mountains, so as we looked down there it was in shadow and it must have been cold. At the same time we were enjoying the late autumn sun in the village of Lemovje. I googled about the village's history. The last resident moved out of the village in 1972.
Ena takih majhnih vasi v naši bližini je Lemovje (856 m), šteje le nekaj hiš. Včeraj sva se peljala do vasi Soča, parkirala v bližini cerkve in se približno 45 minut vzpenjala po strmem pobočju. Ja res je bilo strmo, višino sva pridobivala dobesedno z vsakim korakom. Do vasi se pride lahko le peš. To, da do nje ni nobene poti ali ceste je glavni vzrok, da so se prebivalci odselili in tudi vzrok, da je vas ohranila svoj čar. Vasica stoji na travnati polici ob gozdni meji, nekje sredi ničesar. Le ena hiša je ohranjena, ena renovirana, večinoma pa so ruševine. Okrog vasi je veliko kamnitih zidov. Kraj je čudovit, čaroben in razgledi so prekrasni. Dolina Soče je ujeta med visokimi hribi. Ko si pogledal tja dol, je bila že v senci in gotovo je bilo mrzlo, v Lemovju pa smo uživali v jesenskem soncu. Malo sem poguglala. Zadnji prebivalec je zapustil vas leta 1972.
Later we continued walking to Planina nad Sočo mountain pasture (elevation 1400 m) for another hour and a half upon the same steem slope. After a short break and a snack we returned to the valley and to real life. 😊 To reach the mountain Bavški Grintavec it's needed to walk for another three hours. Maybe we will go there sometime in the future, at the moment the mountain peak is covered with snow.
Kasneje sva se povzpela do Planine nad Sočo (1400 m), za kar sva potrebovala še približno uro in pol, spet po strmem pobočju. Po odmoru in malici sva se vrnila nazal v dolino, v naše vsakdanje življenje. 😊 Bo vrha Bavškega Grintavca je še tri ure hoje. Mogoče pa bova kmalu šla do vrha, trenutno zasnežen.
Sad to see the homes abandoned. What a stunning view of the valley. I love how you tackle any and all mountains.
ReplyDeleteMargi - thank you so much for your visit to my blog, and your kind comment. It is especially kind to compliment our scenery when you constantly show us such beautiful sights in Slovenia!!! It is a shame that the village has been uninhabited since 1972, but it is understandable why. Have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteIt's understandable why people would prefer somewhere more easily accessible though they must have missed those views in their new homes. At least it's a happier story than the abandoned villages in Provence where everyone died during the war, or even the villages in England that were demolished by wealthy landowners because they spoiled the view from their mansions.
ReplyDeletelost place..
ReplyDeleteI love them