our garden in November 2023

It's cold and dark and raining outside and there is nothing much to say about gardening this month. Here are some pictures taken a week or two ago.The Asimina tree was glowing yellow at the beginning of the month, now the autumn gold is gone.
Zunaj je mrzlo in temno in spet dežuje. Na vrtu se ne dogaja veliko. Tu je nekaj slik izpred tedna ali dveh. Asimina je takrat žarela v rumenem, zdaj pa zlatih listov ni več.
First sun rays in the morning were nice.
Kako prija jutranje sonce.
We had about fifty kilos of kiwi fruits this year. This abundance of vitamins directly from our garden will be sufficient for the whole winter. 
Letos smo imeli približno petdeset kilogramov kivija. Ta zaloga vitaminov iz našega vrta bo zadostovala za celo zimo.


  1. wonderful pictures from your garden
    I also have Kiwis
    they are still hanging on the tree ;)

  2. I love the stunning gold colours and delicious kiwi fruit. 50 kilos sounds a huge amount of fruit. I wonder how you store them?

  3. Love the light, the gold and the great crop of kiwi. Enjoy!

  4. Hello, Margi - I love the golden leaves and the morning light effect on your photo. So nice it is to gather in fruits from your garden to store or preserve them and to eat during the long winter.


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