Italian Apennines, Gran Sasso

We continued a little further South and stopped at the Gran Sasso pass, more precisely in Campo Imperiatore among the endless pastures. The place is also called the Italian Tibet. 
Najino potepanje sva nadaljevala še malo proti jugu in pristala na prelazu Gran Sasso, točneje med neskončnimi pašniki Campo Imperiatore, ki mu pravijo tudi italijanski Tibet.
From here the highest peak of the Apennines, Corno Grande can be reached. 
Tu se začne pot na najvišji vrh Apeninov Corno Grande, kamor sva se nameravala odpraviti.
We planned to visit it, but due to the strong wind and snow on the top, we changed our mind and decided to reach Monte Aquila.
Zaradi močnega vetra in snega sva si premislila ter se raje šla na Monte Aquila .
Wonderful view from these hills on both sides of Italy, all the way to the sea is promised, but we saw almost nothing. At first, we had thought that a storm was approaching, but later we found out in the news that this part of Italy was covered by a Sahara dust cloud.
Z teh vrhov obljubljajo čudovite razglede, na eno in drugo stran Italije, vse do morja, midva pa nisva videla skoraj nič. Najprej sva mislila, da se približuje nevihta, kasneje pa sva v novicah prebrala, da je ta del Italije prekril oblak saharskega peska.
The views weren't exactly the prettiest, but we saw quite a few animals. 
Razgledi niso bili ravno najlepši, zato pa sva videla kar nekaj živali.
Before returning home, we stopped in the village of Santo Stefano di Sessanio, walked through the narrow streets 
Pred povratkom domov sva se ustavila v vasici Santo Stefano di Sessanio, se sprehodila po ozkih uličicah.

and made the final stop at the fortress of Rocca Calascio.
in pri trdnjavi Rocca Calascio.
In my opinion traveling by van was convenient and comfortable.
Meni se zdi potovanje s kombijem, je bilo prikladno in udobno.


  1. Great area, despite the dust. Love the critters you saw too. The village looks fascinating, a great place to take a stroll!.

  2. The views may not have been the best because of the smoke but the wildflowers, animals and Tuscan looking village certainly made for a special day.


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