our garden in November 2022
I love the shapes and lines drawn by the frost. Every smallest leaf is most precisely bordered with white paint. After a nice and warm November, the temperatures have dropped in the last few days and we had the first frost. I couldn't decide which photo to post, the one with the red roses or the one with the green leaves or maybe more those with red roses?
Všeč so mi oblike in črte, ki jih nariše slana. Vsak najmanjši listek je z največjo natančnostjo obrobljen z belo barvo. Po lepem in toplem novembru, so se v zadnjih dneh temperature spustile in tudi mi imamo slano. Nisem se mogla odločiti, katero fotografijo naj objavim, tisto z rdečimi vrtnicami ali tisto z zelenimi listki ali več takih z vrtnicami?
We picked the last summer vegetables. All the winter lettuce and radicchio has to be covered and protected from the deer. I wonder if these peas sprouted too quickly from the soil?
Na vrtu smo pobrali zadnjo poletno zelenjavo. Vso zimsko solato in radič smo morali pokriti in jo zavarovati pred srnami. Sprašujem se, če je tale grah prehitro vzklil iz zemlje?
Even though it's cold, our cat enjoys the garden.
Čeprav je mraz, naša mačka uživa na vrtu.
December is all about Christmas celebration. This year I made an Advent wreath from larch cones and white mistletoe.
December se vedno vrti okoli Božičnih praznikov. Letos sem ga naredila iz macesnovih storžkov in bele omele.
Your frosty images are exquisite, Margi and what a beautiful wreath you made!
ReplyDeleteLove the wreath. The frost on the rose is quite unique and beautiful. That photo is a keeper.
ReplyDeleteCan't do an evergreen wreath in our Southern Christmas - so I am grateful that my Advent wreath is a glass bowl and candle insert. That way I can keep replacing the fresh greens as they fade on me.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you shared all those frost images, they are beautiful! Lovely to see your wreath you must have an abundance of mistletoe. Sarah x
ReplyDeletebeautiful photos
ReplyDeleteHello, again, Margi. Your flowers and leaves covered and fringed by frost are so lovely. I love the posing cat and your wreath, too.. Same here about the weather; winter came finally with the arrival of December after long autumn.
Vsakokrat ko pogledam vaš blog me navdušijo prelepe fotografije. Ali jih posnamete s fotoaparatom? Res so krasne, pa še neverjeten občutek za estetiko imate in na koncu še ta prelep venček. Vse tako lepo, naravno, nobene navlake, čisto nič izumetničeno čisto po mojem okusu.
ReplyDeleteHvala. Te pohvale sem res vesela. Skoraj vse fotke so poslikane s fotoaparatom Panasonoc Lumix, izjemoma tudi s telefonom, ko je pač samo ta pri roki.