Mount Poludnig/Poludnik

Finally, back to the mountains! Due to my health problems, I had to rest for a few weeks. Therefore, I thought I would miss the beauty of yellow larches this year. Today, however, I managed the hike to the hill Poludnik and was able to admire the yellow larch trees, even though they are already losing their needles.
Končno spet v hribih! Zaradi zdravstvenih težav sem morala nekaj tednov počivati. Mislila sem, da bom letos zamudila rumene macesne. Danes mi je vendarle uspel jesenski pohod na hrib Poludnik in občudovanje macesnov, čeprav ti že izgubljajo iglice.
We chose an easy tour, not too steep and not too long, with beautiful views and larch trees. We went to Poludnik hill (1999 m) in Austria, which is located in the Carnian Alps. After driving through the Ziljska valley to Šmohor (Hermagor), we continued to the Egger Alm mountain pasture, where we parked. The information boards in the parking lot offered us a circular route. We could immediately see that the place is a paradise for hikers and cyclists. First, we walked over the flat part of the hike to find out if I was strong enough. Immediately behind the Egger Alm is a small lake, we continued past the lake to the next mountain pasture, Dellacher Alm. Here the route begins to climb and soon leads us to the third mountain pasture, the Poludnig Alm. When we walked among yellow larch trees and little wooden houses and dreamed of staying somewhere up there, walking was quite easy. We also climbed to the top of Poludnik, from where there are wonderful views. From the top of the hill, we quickly descend to the starting point.
Izbrala sva eno lahko turo, ne prestrmo in ne predolgo, tako z lepimi razgledi, pa tako macesnovo. Odpravila sva se v Avstriji na hrib Poludnik (1999 m), ki se nahaja v Karnijskih Alpah. Po vožnji skozi Ziljsko dolino do Šmohorja (Hermagor) sva nadaljevala do planine Egger Alm, kjer sva parkirala. Informativne table na parkirišču nam ponujajo krožno pot. Takoj vidiš, da je tam raj za pohodnike in kolesarje. Midva sva najprej prehodila ravninski del, da vidiva, koliko sploh zmorem. Takoj za planino Egger Alm je majhno jezero, mimo katerega nadaljujemo do sva nadaljevala planine Dellacher Alm. Tu se začne pot vzpenjati in kmalu sva prišla do tretje planine Poludnig Alm. Ampak, ko takole hodiš med rumenimi macesni in lesenimi hišicami in sanjaš, da bi kar ostal nekje tam gor, je hoditi čisto lahko. Povzpela sva se še na vrh Poludnika, od koder so čudoviti razgledi. Z vrha hriba sva se nato hitro spustila do izhodišča.

It was a beautiful Sunday, sunny and yellow with many larch trees, a day good for the soul...
Bila je ena taka lepa nedelja, sončna in rumena in macesnova, taka za dušo…


  1. Margi, so sorry you haven't had good health recently but I can see that this hike would have lifted your spirits considerably.
    Beautiful larches and vast vistas!

  2. I hope you are feeling better soon! What a beautiful area you chose for your hike. The larch trees here, known as juniper or tamarack, as turning colours now too.

    Take care, my friend!

  3. Prav zares kot si zapisala (sem si dovolila kar tikanja) izlet za dušo in čisto po mojem okusu.

  4. Margi - glad you were able to get out and hike - an important restoration for our mind, body and soul. Our larches are still quite yellow and full of needles - a beautiful contrast with the white snow that already blankets our valley! Gorgeous photos, as always!

  5. Hello, again. I’m happy for you that you could resume hiking. Larches are beautiful.



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