april na vrtu / in the garden in April 2022

V tem mesecu se je vrt zelo spremenil, obarval se je z barvami, saj so zacveteli tulipani in napolnil s ptičjem petjem. Lansko jesen sem posadila nekaj čebulic tulipanov, tudi večcvetne.
This month, the garden has changed a lot, it has filled with colours from tulips and with birds singing. Last fall I planted some tulip bulbs, even multi-flowered ones.
Trenutno cvetijo jablane. Češnja pa že ima majhne zelene plodove.
At the moment apple trees are blooming. The cherry tree already has small green fruits.
Na trati je zacvetela tudi asimina, ta ima take posebne cvetove. Čeprav je še majhna, je cvetela že nekaj sezon, vendar še nikoli ni imela plodov. Mogoče, bomo pa letos dobili prvega.
The Asimina (pawpaw) tree is also blooming, its flowers are something special. Although, it is still a small tree, it has flowered for a few seasons, but has never produced a fruit. Maybe, but we'll get the first one this year.
Solato, ki sem jo posejala na začetku meseca, bomo lahko kmalu jedli, Tudi čebula je precej zrasla. Sicer pa zamujam z deli na zelenjavnem vrtu, zadnje dni imamo deževno in zelo mrzlo vreme. Paradižnik pa je še vedno v lončkih v topli hiši.
Soon we will be able to eat the salad I sowed at the beginning of the month. The onion has grown quite a bit. Otherwise, I'm late with the work in the vegetable garden, the last few days we have had rainy and very cold weather. Of course, tomato plants are still in pots in a warm house.
Tole zelje sem vsadila že lansko leto. Mogoče, mi bo uspelo pridelati seme, tako kot so to počele naše mame čisto vsako leto. Poskusimo, pa bomo videli.
This cabbage was planted last year for the purpose of producing seeds. It's an experiment, but I know that our moms grew seeds every year, let’s try and we will see.
Tudi zelišča bodo kmalu cvetela, mi pa jih bomo lahko nabrali in shranili za zeliščni čas.
Some herbs will also be blooming soon, and we will be able to collect little flowers and store them for herbal tea.
Ker je vreme deževno in mrzlo, smo na vrtu le malo časa, Ob popoldnevih sem očistila, narezala in posušila česen, ki je ostal od lanske sezone. Takega v prahu lahko še dolgo uporabljamo.
Since the weather is rainy and cold, we can't spend lots of hours in the garden. So, in the afternoons I cleaned, sliced and dried the garlic left over from last season. This powder can be used for a long time.
Na sosedovem travniku so zacvetele stare jablane
Old apple trees are blooming on the neighbour’s meadow
in dobili smo sosede.
and we got neighbours.


  1. So beautiful ... I like the pictures from your garden.


  2. Your garden is beautiful. Love the flowers but your vegetable patch is just wonderul. Have a lovely week. Anesha x

  3. Your garden is alive with colour and the new green of spring! Beautiful!

  4. The garden looks great with the coming of spring - I love your barrel planter. Nice to meet the neighbours!

  5. Picking cherries is wonderful!

  6. I felt so relaxed to see your garden with beautiful blooms, growing vegetables, and idyllic sight in the meadow. Blooming apple trees are fantastic.



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