marec na vrtu / in the garden in March 2022

Marec je gotovo mesec narcis. Na našem vrtu lahko zdaj opazujemo odtenke rumene. Meni so všeč tiste s socvetji in že razmišljam, če bi jih v jeseni še nekaj posadila.
March is certainly the month of daffodils. In our garden we can now observe all shades of yellow. I like those with multiple blooms and maybe I’m going to plant some more of them in the autumn.

Vijolice cvetijo na vrtu in na bližnjem travniku. 
Violet flowers bloom in the garden and on a nearby lawn.
Vremenska napoved je, da bo zadnji dan marca deževalo po celem mesecu suše. Na dež že vsi komaj čakamo. Trava na bližnjem travniku postaja rumena in suha, pri novicah so že povedali, da se kmetje bojijo za letošnji pridelek. Ampak z dežjem naj bi prišlo tudi hladnejše vreme. 
The weather forecast for the last day of March is rain. Finally, and hopefully! After a whole month of drought! The grass on the nearby meadow is turning yellow and dry, and we have heard on the news that farmers are afraid for this year's harvest. But with rain, colder weather is also expected.
Zacvetele so tudi grmovnice. 
Some shrubs are also blooming.
Limone in mandarino v loncih smo prinesli iz zimskega zavetja. Upam, da se vreme ne bo preveč ohladilo.
Lemons and mandarin trees in containers were brought out of the winter shelter. I hope the weather doesn’t get too cold.
Ta mesec smo bili z delom na vrtu zelo zaposleni, uredili smo še dodatno visoko gredo, prekopali del vrta, posadili čebulo… Presadila sem tudi paradižnike. Čeprav to počnem že kar nekaj let, je vsako leto čudovito opazovati, kako iz tako majhne in krhke rastlinice tako hitro zraste velika rastlina.
This month we were very busy working in the garden, arranging extra vegetable beds, digging the garden, planting onions… I also transplanted small tomatoes plants into little pots. Every year it is wonderful to watch them how they grow so quickly from such a small and fragile plant to a huge one.
Rožmarin krasijo modri cvetovi. 
Rosemary with little blue flowers reminds me of the sea and summer days.
Tudi nekatera sadna drevesa so zacvetela.
Some fruit trees are also blooming.
Te hišice so prazne. Le kam so šli vsi polžki?
These snail shells are empty. I’m wondering where the snails are?


  1. Beautiful, beautiful 💛❤️💛 So wonderful to see all these spring joys! In my garden in Southern Finland the snow is melting very slowly this year. A lot of patience is needed as everybody longs for spring.

  2. Lovely photos. I like those multi-headed daffodils too, but all I got with many of mine this year were multiple leaves.

  3. Beautiful blooms. I hope you have some rain on a consistent basis. Wish we could share some with you!

  4. Lovely to see that it is Daffodil Month in your garden too! Our forsythia isn't out yet! Amazing to see your lemon and mandarin trees. Your tomato plants look fantastic you have been working hard with your seeds. Sarah x

  5. How wonderful Margi, I love the new beginning in spring. Your garden is so far.
    All my best and happy spring

  6. Margi - we are far behind you with our weather - we still have spots of snow around our home. But Spring is on its way and I am excited to see your pictures and know what lies ahead!!!

  7. Thank goodness rain is in your forecast! There is nothing more frustrating for a gardener than to fight a drought.

  8. Impressive crop on your mandarin tree!


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