Rakov Škocjan

Rakov Škocjan je najstarejši krajinski park v Sloveniji, zaščiten je bil že leta 1949. Že dolgo sva ga nameravala obiskati, vendar nikoli ni bilo prave priložnosti ali pa nisva imela dovolj volje za obisk, kar je kar malo smešno, saj je park blizu nas. Prejšnjo nedeljo pa sva se le odpravila tja in bila čisto navdušena.
Rak Škocjan is the oldest landscape park in Slovenia, it has been protected since 1949. We planned to go there years ago, but we never had an opportunity or a willpower to visit it, which is funny, because the park is close to our home. Last Sunday, we finally visited it and we enjoyed the walk very much.

Rakov Škocjan je dolina nastala z udorom kraške jame. Dva naravna mostova sta ostanka stropa jame. Na eni strani 2,5 kilometra dolge doline se nad reko Rak vzpenja veliki most. Le malo naprej reka ponikne v Tkalca jami. Ker že dolgo časa ni deževalo, se je ob reki enostavno premikati. Med obilnim deževjem reka poplavi in do nekaterih mest je mogoče priti le s čolnom.
Rak Škocjan is a valley formed by the collapse of the karst cave. Two natural bridges are the remains of the cave ceiling. At one side of the valley, which is about 2.5 kilometre long, the big natural bridge rises above the river Rak. Just a few metres ahead the river sinks into the ground in Weaver's cave. It hasn't rained for a long time, so the river is very low and it's easy to move around. During heavy rains the river floods and some places are accessible only by boat.

V bližini velikega mostu so ruševine cerkve sv. Kancijana, zgrajene v 17-tem stoletju.
In the vicinity of Big Natural Bridge are the ruins of St. Cantianus's Church, built in the 17th century.
Tile lepi telohi so rasli poleg steze.
Some beautiful hellebores were growing near the path.
Tala mala rožica je cvetela v bližini. Videla sem jo prvič in je ne poznam. Moj telefon pravi, da je to navadni pasji zob. Odločila sem se, da mu zaupam, saj ve vendarle pameten telefon.
Another little flower was growing there. I have seen the flower for the first time and it’s new to me. My phone said it was a dog tooth violet and I have to trust it, after all it’s a smart phone.
Prebrala sva, da je reka dom vidram, ki pa jih vidijo le redki. Na drugi strani doline je mali most. Tam Rak izvira v Zelških jamah. Kraj me je navdušil s svojo lepoto in skrivnostnostjo.
We have read that the river is also a home of otters, but they were seen only on rare occasions. The little bridge is at the other side of the valley, where the river Rak sources in Zelše caves . I was impressed by the beauty of the place and its mystery.
Pred odhodom domov sva se ustavila pri Cerkniškem jezeru, ki je dom številnim pticam in najboljši kraj za posedanje na klopci in pitje kave ob koncu dneva.
Before leaving home, we stopped at Cerknica lake, home of many birds and an ideal place for sitting on the bench and drinking coffee at the end of the day. 


  1. How fortunate you are to live near this area. Such a great place to hike and photograph. Beautiful photos. I especially love the last one.

  2. What a wonderful area to explore. We have only small areas of limestone scenery in the UK. Yes, your phone is smart enough to know a dog-tooth violet when it sees one!

  3. Margi - a lovely walk, especially with the Hellebores and the Dogtooth Lily! Bring on spring!


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