sprehodi v aprilu / April walks

Še vedno hodim. Vreme je nenavadno mrzlo in deženo, dela na vrtu je veliko, zato hodim blizu doma. Prav presenetljivo je, kako lepa in raznolika narava je tu, sploh če upoštevamo, da gre le za majhno območje. Najbližji slap je približno dva km oddaljen od nas, tudi reka in jezero sta čisto blizu. Te kraje sem obiskala že tisočkrat, vendar se vedno najde kaj novega in drugačnega. Letos sem prehodila že približno 600 km, torej še okoli tisoč km, da dosežem tisoč milj.
I’m still walking. The weather is unusually cold and rainy and there is a lot of work in the garden, so I’m walking close to our home. The beauty and diversity of the nature is quite surprising considering the fact that it is a small area. The nearest waterfall is about two kilometres away, also the lake and the river are right on our doorstep. I’ve already visited those places for thousand times, but it’s always something new and different.  This year I have walked the distance about 600 kilometres. So, to reach a thousand miles, about 1000 more kilometres to go. 

Ob večerih sem naredila te male rožice v pomladnih barvah. Kvačkanje je sproščujoče in ob rožicah se vedno nasmehnem.
In the evenings I’ve been enjoying making these little flowers in spring colours. Crochet is relaxing and flowers make me smile. 


  1. Beautiful spring photos and the crochet flowers makes me smile too.

  2. wonderful landcape photos!!! so beautiful your crochet!
    Greeting Elke

  3. All photos are gorgeous, favorite is the donkey one.

  4. Ob vaših fotografijah vedno pomislim kako srečni smo lahko, da živimo na tako lepem koščku zemlje.

  5. Margi - it is interesting to see your landscapes now dressed in spring clothing! Yes, I find the same thing - there is always something new to see if we look hard enough! Enjoy your weekend!

  6. All the spring flowers look lovely, real and crochet. Thanks for joining in Ginx Woolly Linx Party for April.

  7. Great pictures! I've visited Slovenia two years ago and really loved it. One of the most beautiful countries I've ever been.

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