a view over the Soča valley from the top of Mrzli vrh

Yesterday I had an opportunity to hike and chase views and to refill mybatteries. 
Včeraj sem spet lahko šla v hribe po razgled in novo energijo. 
This time I started walking in the village of Gabrje, passed the old mill and continued along the Sopotnica stream with several waterfalls.
Tokrat sem začela hoditi v vasi Gabrje, najprej se šla mimo starega mlina in nadaljevala ob potoku Sopotnica, na katerem je več slapov.
Then I turned to the source of Count's Water, which has healing effects according to a legend. It is said that in the Middle Ages the water was brought to the Count in Tolmin, who believed that by drinking this water he would stay young forever.
Najprej sem zavila do Grofove vode, ki naj bi po legendi imela zdravilne učinke, Pravijo, da so v srednjem veku vodo nosili grofu v Tolminu, ki je verjel, da bo s pitjem te vode za vedno ostal mlad.
Soon after, I reached a point with a view of the Soča river valley and the castle where a count lived once, the one who liked the water from the nearby hills.
Kmalu zatem pridemo do točke z razgledom na dolino reke Soče in na grad, kjer je nekoč živel grof, ki me je bila všeč voda iz bližnjih hribov.
The shades of green of this valley are slightly different depending on the season.
Odtenki zelene barve te doline so v vsakem letnem času malo drugačni.
The ascent to the top of Mrzli vrh takes some time, about three hours from the beginning. The path along the ridge mostly runs through the forest and climbs quickly. From the village of Gabrje, it is necessary to overcome 970 m altitude. At the top there is a cross and we can enjoy a wonderful view of the green valley there.
Vzpon na vrh Mrzlega vrha traja še nekaj časa, od začetka približno tri ure. Pot po grebenu večinoma poteka po gozdu in se hitro vzpenja. Iz vasi Gabrje bo vrha je potrebno premagati 970 m nadmorske višine. Na vrhu je križ in čudovit razgled na zeleno dolino.
While I was spending a few moments to have my snack, it started to snow unexpectedly. It's hard to imagine that the weather can change so quickly. The sky turned dark, it snowed and the wind blew, so I took my rucksack and hurried back to the valley.
Medtem, ko sem si vzela nekaj trenutkov za malico, je začelo nepričakovano snežiti. Kar težko je verjeti, da se vreme lahko spremeni tako hitro. Nebo je postalo temno, snežilo je in pihal je veter, zato sem vzela svoj nahrbtnik in pohitela nazaj v dolino.
The weather is April and changing and unexpected. While we were eating "potica" (our traditional walnut cake) at home, it was raining outside and the sun was shining, and a rainbow appeared over a nearby meadow.
Vreme je aprilsko in muhasto in nas vedno znova preseneča. Medtem, ko smo doma jedli potico, je zunaj padal dež in sijalo sonce in nad bližnjim travnikom je nastala mavrica.


  1. A great adventure, including the snow. The leaves on the trees make me envious! The cake was a lovely way to cap such a day!

  2. What a shame to have to leave the summit so quickly, after all that effort to get there. Fantastic views, a rainbow and delicious cake, may have been enough reward!

  3. Fantastic views down into the valley - the walnut cake looks good too!

  4. Margi - our weather in Montana is very changeable at this time of year. Flurries. Sunshine. Rain. Good clothing is very important! I am so refreshed to see the green in your photos. I especially liked the delicate leaves in the fifth photo of your post. And the rainbow - so pretty! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  5. Soca valley is such a lovely place and this little river always has this special colour I love. Wonderful pictures dear Margi an for sure: After all the effort potica !!!!
    Happy days

  6. Margi, you felt me like viewing the landscape spreading under feet at that vantage point of #1 photo in person. The luminous young leaves (#5 photo) are so beautiful. Marveling at the rainbow while eating delicious potica is really a time of bliss.



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