Rosandratal / the valley of Glinščica
The valley of the river Glinščica (it. Rosandratal) is a wonderful destination near city Trst (it. Trieste). It attracts hikers, climbers, cyclists, runners, photographers... There are several starting points for exploring the valley, we started hiking in the village of Boljunec (it. Bagnoli della Rosandra), where we parked in the free parking lot near the cultural center and soon headed to the hamlet of Gornji Konec where the walk across the valley actually begins.
Dolina reke Glinščice je čudovita izletniška točka, čisto blizu Trsta. Zanimiva je za pohodnike, plezalce, kolesarje, tekače, fotografe … Izhodišč za raziskovanje doline je več, midva najin potep začela v vasici Boljunec (it. Bagnoli della Rosandra), kjer sva parkirala na brezplačnem parkirišču pri kulturnem centru in se odpravila do zaselka Gornji Konec, kjer se pot po dolini zares začne.
Kmalu ob poti vidimo dobro ohranjene ostanke rimskega vodovoda zgrajenega v drugem stoletju pr.n.št.
The path along the river becomes more interesting, and the views more beautiful. We soon arrived at a short turn to the church Marija na Pečeh. Immediately afterwards, we saw and also heard the Supet waterfall.
Pot ob reki postaja vedno bolj zanimiva, razgledi pa lepši. Ob poti je odcep do cerkvice Marija na Pečeh. Takoj nato pa sva zagledala in tudi zaslišala slap Supet, kjer sva imela krajši postanek.
At this point a short stop was necessary. A waterfall humed in the distance, a meandering river flowed at the bottom of the valley, and goats grazed on the opposite bank. At first I didn't even notice them. Could you see them in the first picture?
V daljavi je šumel slap, čisto na dnu doline se je vila reka, na nasprotnem bregu pa so se pasle koze. Najprej jih sploh nisem opazila. Jih vi lahko vidite na prvi sliki?
Lately we continued to the village Botač, then turned left and climbed up to the footpath that took place along the former railway, now a popular cycle path.
Pot sva nadaljevala do vasi Botač, kjer sva zavila levo in se povzpela do pohodne poti, ki vodi po nekdanji železnici, danes priljubljeni kolesarsko sprehajalni poti.
Despite the cloudy weather, we could observe the city of Trst (Trieste) and the sea during our return to the parking lot. Some 0trees are already blooming.
Kljub oblačnemu vremenu, sva lahko opazovala mesto Trst, in morje. Nekatera drevesa že cvetijo.
I've been missing our wanderings lately, our short escapes somewhere away, on free sunny days. That's our way to make the day beautiful and magical. At the end of this particular day, we stopped in Trst for a while.
Zadnje čase sem kar malo pogrešala tele najine potepe, nekam proč, na sonce, Tako dan postane lep in poseben. Za konec tega dne sva se ustavila še v Trstu.
What a lovely excursion, in the mountains followed by a visit to the city. Sounds perfect. Great photos!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you found time for the outdoors and the happiness it brings. Your descriptions are beautiful. The Roman aqueduct so impressive. I love the spring blossom but am not sure what the tree is.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about the tree either, but it caught my eye.
DeleteDear friend, oh so happy you are still around! I know this valley well ( as a climber) and I really love it. Such a beautiful place! Wild and charming. By the way I had wonderful truffels there. All my best and happy days
An old railway line makes a wonderful hiking trail, easy and comfortable to enjoy the views.