vrt v septembru / our garden in September 2022

Končno! Na našem vrtu je letos zacvetela prva dalija. Dež na začetku meseca je bil prijetna osvežitev za rastline in tudi za nas. Zacvetele so nekatere rože, večinoma vrtnice.
Finally! The first dahlia is blooming this year. The rain at the beginning of the month was a very welcome refreshment for the plants and for us. Some flowers are blooming, mostly roses.
Žal dežuje že cel mesec, iz neba se izliva voda, sledijo si nevihte z bliskanjem. Temperature so precej nizke. Vse skupaj malo spomni na november. Na kratko, še en mesec ekstremnega vremena.
Unfortunately, the rain lasted for a whole month, water is pouring down, we have storms and lightning, the temperatures are unusually low. In fact, it looks like November. To summarise, another month of extreme weather conditions!
Te dni sem presajala solato, radič pa že lepo raste. Zanje čase prebiram vrtnarsko knjigo, ki razlaga, kako vzgajati sadike v zaprtem prostoru, da jih obvarujemo pred poletno vročino ter predlaga različne rešitve vrtnarjenja glede na vremenske razmere. Pravzaprav, sem kar malo zmedena. Vzgajanje sadik v zaprtem prostoru, pokrivanje gred, izdelava visokih gred, .... zahteva precej dodatnega dela in še vedno ne zagotavlja uspeha. Konec meseca bom posejala grah. Upam, da bo zrastel zgodaj spomladi. Gojenje graha in fižola je zaradi visokih poletnih temperatur postalo skoraj nemogoče. 
These days I am planting the salad and our radicchio is growing well. Lately I have been reading a book about gardening explaining how to grow little plants inside to prevent them from summer heat and suggesting solutions useful in changing weather conditions. To be honest, I’m totally confused, planting indoors, covering beds, preparing covered raised beds… All these tasks take a lot of additional work and don’t guarantee success. By the end of the month, I'm going to plant pea seeds for next spring. Growing peas and beans is almost impossible because of hot temperatures during the summer.
Pesto iz sveže bazilike diši čudovito.
The fresh basil pesto smells wonderful.
Letos smo pridelali nekaj drobcenih jabolk in tudi okoli dvajset plodov asimine. Lepo dišijo in imajo okus podoben banani, ali bolje, nekaj vmesnega med banano in magom. Naši fantje niso bili preveč navdušeni nad asiminami, zato pa so se nama z hčerjo zdele odlične.
We have some really small apples and our Asimina has about twenty fruits. They smell lovely and taste like bananas or a mixture between banana and mango. Our boys weren't very keen on it, but me and my daughter found them delicious.
Spodnja slika prikazuje neobičajno vreme zadnje dni. Poslikana je z mojim mobijem in je precej slabe kvalitete. 
The picture below shows unusual weather these days. It is taken during my evening walk with my mobile phone and it's of poor quality.
Naša mačka obožuje toplo sonce.
Our cat likes the warmth of the sun.


  1. Hello Margi. The valley you live in looks beautiful and your cat looks very contented.
    I've not heard of an Asimina but it does look very much like a mango. Good luck with the harvest of your vegetables.

  2. Margi - the world weather is changing, and nothing is as it was. I am sure my Dad would be equally confused about how to garden in the current climate. Love the pictures of basil and your cat. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Your produce looks wonderful. It will be more of a challenge to grow food as the climate changes continue, I fear!

  4. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.

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  5. Eine Asimina Frucht kenne ich noch nicht, sieht im Innern fast wie eine Papaya aus. die Kerne kann man sicher trocknen und im Frühjahr pflanzen.
    L G Pia

  6. Your dahlias are beautiful and are worth the wait!

    The weather is definitely changing but it is normal. We have entered into a "Grand Solar Minimum" which is a regular cycle of the sun which is when it sort of goes to sleep. It puts out less energy which causes many changes here on earth. Some places cool down and have more rain, others heat up and become dry, the magnetic pull lessens so volcanoes erupt. Then the spewing volcanoes put ash in the atmosphere which cuts down on sunshine which effects the plants. Scientist are guessing we are in a 500 year cycle but nobody knows.

    The world is changing and as soon as we figure it out and adapt, it will switch back.


  7. I admire your success in growing food. Mine is the simplest - nasturtiums and spekboom for some truly fresh greens.


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