odločitve / preferences
Že nekaj časa nisem ničesar napisala. Dogajalo se je veliko stvari, doma in v službi. Bila sem zelo zaposlena, imela nekaj zdravstvenih problemov, pa nič resnejšega in zmanjkovalo mi je energije, da bi napisala objavo. Vreme se je zelo spremenilo. Dež se je zlival iz neba, imeli smo nevihte z bliskanjem in grmenjem in skoraj cel teden ostali brez interneta. Naš tamal se je zelo razburjal, saj ni mogel delati domačih nalog. Meni pa je pravzaprav vse skupaj kar malo všeč. Večeri so bili mirni in več smo se pogovarjali. Pa samo gledala sem skozi okno in pila čaj, kar mi je res prijalo.
I haven’t written my blog for about three weeks now. Many things were going on, in my private life and at my working place. I was busy all the time, had some health issues, but nothing serious and I was totally exhausted and didn’t find energy to write a post. In this time the weather changed extraordinarily. The rain was pouring from the sky, we had storms with thunder and lightning, which was the cause of internet blackouts that lasted for almost a week. My son was upset because he couldn’t do his homework. On the other hand, I found the situation almost relaxing and calming. We talked more, I was watching through the window and drinking hot tea. Actually, it felt good.
I haven’t written my blog for about three weeks now. Many things were going on, in my private life and at my working place. I was busy all the time, had some health issues, but nothing serious and I was totally exhausted and didn’t find energy to write a post. In this time the weather changed extraordinarily. The rain was pouring from the sky, we had storms with thunder and lightning, which was the cause of internet blackouts that lasted for almost a week. My son was upset because he couldn’t do his homework. On the other hand, I found the situation almost relaxing and calming. We talked more, I was watching through the window and drinking hot tea. Actually, it felt good.
Zadnje čase sem prebrala članek o upravljanju svojega časa. Ta ni le vsota ur namenjenih različnim nalogam, ki jih je potrebno opraviti, potrebno si je postaviti prioritete. Vsak bi moral imeti vsaj uro ali več dnevno za slikanje, hojo, kuhanje ali kaj drugega, kar rad počne. Te dejavnosti nam napolnijo baterije in polepšajo življenje. To si moram zapomniti. Pravzaprav rada pišem blog, rada fotkam, berem druge bloge in komentiram. Zato sem spet tu.
Lately I came across an article about spending time and organizing. Time isn’t just a number of hours and the list of tasks that should be completed, but it is also about setting priorities. Everyone should spend at least an hour or maybe more each day painting or hiking or cooking or whatever a person like. These free time activities fulfill our batteries and make life beautiful. I should remember that. Actually, I like writing blog posts and taking pictures and reading other blogs and writing comments. So, I’m here.
V tem času sva šla ne enkrat v hribe in sicer na Malo Mojstrovko,
In this period, we were hiking only once. To be concrete, we went to the mountain Mala Mojstrovka.
In this period, we were hiking only once. To be concrete, we went to the mountain Mala Mojstrovka.
Ko smo bili na vrhu, so se začeli zbirati oblaki, nato je pričelo rahlo deževati. Planinci so pohiteli v dolino, ovce pa dež ni zmotil, samo počakale so, da konča.
While we were standing on the peak, the clouds were gathering together and it started to rain and the hikers rushed back to the valley. The sheep didn't panic and just waited for the rain to stop.
Ko smo se približevali Vršiču, je že sijalo sonce, Nevihte v gorah so lahko nevarne, zato sem bila kar malo vesela, da se je dobro končalo.
When we approached the valley, the sun was shining already. Storms in the mountains could be dangerous and we were happy that it ended well.
Lovely scenery!
ReplyDeleteThe sheep look serene! The last photo shows a face in the mountain.
ReplyDeleteI agree with taking time for oneself every day. Unplugging from devices can be a big part of that.
The face in the rock is called a Pagan girl. I'm very glad you have noticed it.
DeleteHello, Margi. Good idea to slow down when you have little energy. I’ve had “compassion fatigue” caused by so many sad, heartbreaking news both domestic and international, but to see the majestic beauty of the mountains, I feel refreshed.
So glad you were able to safely spend this time in your magnificent mountains to re-energise, after such a stressful few weeks.
ReplyDeleteSo nice that you are blogging again, Margi. A wonderful mountain landscape and i like the sheeps so much.