vrt v septembru / our garden in September 2020

September je zadnji mesec poletja in čas, ko pobiramo plodove. Letos smo nabrali dovolj jabolk za zimo in tudi naredili nekaj soka.

September is the last month of summer and it's harvest time. We have picked enough apples for the winter time and we also made some apple juice.

Ta mesec cvetijo jesenske astre. Njihovi majhni roza cvetovi me razveselijo vsakič, ko grem mimo njih. 

Autumn astras flowers are blooming this month. Their little rose flowers make me happy each time I pass by. 

Čeprav se dnevi krajšajo in postaja hladneje, na vrtu cveti še veliko rož.

Even though, the days are shorter and the temperatures have dropped many flowers are still blooming. 

Vsako leto nameravam pobrati semena enoletnic, pa vedno zamudim in se izgovarjam na slabo vreme, obilico dela in službo. Sem pa ta mesec uspela počistiti zeliščni vrt. Poprova meta se je divje razrasla in zasedla celoten prostor.

Each year I intend to pick up the seeds of annual flowers, but I never manage. The excuses like bad weather, job, busy days are always very handy and I'm not proud of that. However, I made some rearrangements in the herbs garden. Pepper mint always grows wildly and takes all the place. 

Najljubša jed moje hčerke so špageti z paradižnikovo omako in svežo baziliko. Letos sva dali nekaj vršičkov v vodo, kjer so se ukoreninili. Posadili sva jih v lonec in premestili v hišo. Bazilika je enoletnica. Ampak bova videli, kako bo najin poizkus uspel.

My daughter’s favourite dish is pasta with tomato sauce and fresh basil. This year we made an experiment and put some basil cuttings into the water, where they grow roots. Then we moved potted basil indoor. Basil is meant to live within one year and thereafter go to seed. But, let's see...

Sedaj je moj vrt zelen. Pobrali smo zadnje paradižnike, posadili radič, por in več vrst zelja. Del vrta je pokrit z mrežo zaradi nočnih obiskovalcev, večinoma srn in zajcev. Tudi njim zelenjava zelo tekne.

My vegetable garden looks green now. We picked up last tomatoes and plant radicchio, leeks and different varieties of cabbage. Some parts are covered because of the night visitors, like deers or rabbits. They adore vegetagles as much as we do.

Objavo linkam na Sarin blog Down by the sea in se veselim branja, kaj se dogaja na vaših vrtovih.

I’m linking this post to Sarah’s  Down by the sea and looking forward to see what’s happening in your gardens.


  1. A nice crop! Yes, good to see flowers still in the garden :)

  2. I miss my roses - that apricot is a beauty!

  3. Lovely flowers.I have too tried propagating basil through stems and they do grow easily.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at http://jaipurgardening.blogspot.com/2020/09/garden-affair-flowering-aquatic-plants.html

  4. I find the flowers appreciate the cooler weather.
    Lovely asters and what a beautiful rose.

  5. Fabulous blooms!

    I especially love the asters.

  6. Your September garden still looks very productive and healthy! I always have plans at this time of year for new plants that never come to fruition just like you! Sarah x

  7. Beautiful autumn impressions <3 Thank you for linking, wishing a great new week.

  8. You have an impressive garden still with your flowers and veggies. It will be interesting to see what the basil does.

    It's great to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking up.

  9. Wonderful pictures. I'm astonished that there are still so many blooming flowers.

    Many greetings


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