prost dan / a day off

Danes nisem šla v službo. Dan sem porabila za delo na vrtu in sajenje krompirja. Niti kosila nisem skuhala, ker nisem utegnila. Sedaj me malo bolijo mišice, ampak počutim se tako sproščeno in lepo. Le kdo ne bi zamenjal zvonjenja telefona za petje ptic.

Zjutraj sem dokončala sliko vrbe. Spomladi so ta drevesa še posebej pravljična.

I took a day off and spent it for gardening, mostly for potato bedding. Because of garden work I didn't even have enough time to prepare lunch. My muscles are sore now, but I feel nice and relaxed. Listening to the birds singing is more fun than telephone ringing in my working place.

In the morning I finished a painting of a willow. These trees look fabulously in the spring.
Mali je imel spet veliko dela s šolo. Tale lepljenka iz majhnih koščkov papirja  je izdelek za likovni. Dovolil mi je, da jo lahko objavim na blogu.

My little one had a lot of school work to do. This collage made of little paper pieces is his project for art class. Of course, he gave me a permission to publish it.
Zvečer sva malo posedela pred hišo, opazovala sva cvetje, poslušala petje ptic in predenje naše mačke.
In the evening we sat on a bench for a while, admired the flowers and listened to the birds singing and our cat purring.


  1. Umetnika, oba! Čestitke obema! Verjamem, da ti je kdo od študentov skuhal kosilo, krompir je ob pravem luninem času v zemlji! Tudi naša malenkost :)

  2. Your willow is beautiful, always a first tree of spring! The paper-pieced high top sneakers are nostalgic for me. Even 60 years ago, they were the best. It is a perfect rendition of the real thing, and will be a hit in art class!

  3. Art runs in the family! Love your willow and photos too

  4. Your tree by the water with the sunlight is beautifully painted and your sneakers are also great!
    Beautiful posting.
    I wish you a nice Easter and stay healthy, Elke

  5. I have been gardening too. Your art is amazing. I love the shoes. Be Safe and Elbow Hugs

  6. Love your painting, and your son is an artist-his art is amazing!

  7. so nice to be able to garden again...but in my area I must wait a few weeks yet before I can plant anything. The blooms are gorgeous and I especially love your soothing willow painting. happy PPF!

  8. This is a lovely painting. And I like the shoes too. That is a cool project for your son. ANd your flower photos are amazing. It is time for some spring blooms, isn't it? Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journeey. Hugs-Erika

  9. Your willow painting is wonderful. You are very talented. The collage work of your little one is fantastic as well.

  10. What a gorgeous willow painting! And I also love your little one's high top collage! And your photos are absolutely beautiful! HUGS!

  11. Gorgeous painting. Wow. Such a lovely collage too. Wonderful post as always!

  12. What a lovely painting and a great collage, too. I think they are both simply wonderful and each so different. Thanks for sharing these at Art Journal Journey, Sorry I was late visiting.

  13. Beautiful art projects and painting. Thank you for linking with us at Art Journal Journey.


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