peti teden / the fifth week

Tudi peti teden je minil nekje med domom in službo. Prejšnja leta mi je misel na počitnice dajala energijo. Letos pa sem vesela, da smo vsi zdravi. Tamal pogreša sošolce. Učenje preko neta je v redu, ampak ni preveč zabavno. Študente se sprašujejo, kako bodo potekali izpiti, kaj bo z Erasmusom.
Ko sem obiskala očeta, sem šla še do Nadiže. Tistih zelenih kotičkov se nikoli ne naveličam.

Also the fifth week was happening at work and at home. Previous years a thought on holidays gave me energy. This year I'm happy that we are healthy. Our little one misses his school friends. Online learning is effective but not fun. Students are wondering about exams and Erasmus programme. 
During the time I was visiting my father, I went to river Nadiža, which is special place for me.
V gozdu je dišal čemaž. Wild garlic smells in the wood. 
Naš tavelik je odšel proti Škrbini.Čeprav je višje v gorah je še vedno sneg, je toplo vreme že prebudilo kače. Tale se je plazila kar po snegu.
My older son went to mountain Škrbina. Although there was snow in the high mountains, the warm sun woke the snakes. These one crawled in the snow.

Danes je za tamalega poseben dan. Rojstni dan je preživel brez prijateljev, toda z voščili na eAsistentu in veliko dobre volje. 
Today is a special day for our youngest boy. He spent his birthday without his friends, but with online congratulations.


  1. Ja točno, ti naši aprilski otroci, VSE NAJBOLJŠE!!! Da se snidemo kmalu!


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