vrt v decembru / our garden in December 2021
Božič je mimo. Upam, da ste ga lahko praznovali z družino in prijatelji. Mi smo ga zaradi mrzlega in sivega vremena v glavnem preživeli v hiši. Razmišljala sem, da bi na vrtu naredila kakšno posebno fotko za zadnji mesec v letu. Ostala je samo še ena vrtnica in še zanjo mi ni jasno, kako je lahko sveža kljub zimskemu vremenu.
Christmas has gone by and I hope that you all had wonderful celebrations with your family and friends. We had dull and cold weather, so we mostly stayed indoors. I was thinking that a nice picture from my garden would be appropriate for the last month of the year. Only one rose in our garden is still red and I don’t know how this is even possible considering the winter conditions.
Na žalost so ostale rože čisto ovenele in suhe, ampak meni se zdijo še vedno lepe, zato jih bom pustila na vrtu še za kakšen mesec.Sadly, other flowers are dried and withered, but to me they still look decorative, so I’m going to leave them in the garden for another month. Na trati pred hišo sem opazila tole trobentico. Mogoča pa bo pomlad zgodnja?
I’ve noticed this little primrose in our front garden. Maybe an early spring is to be expected?
Naš košček zemlje smo začeli obdelovati pred štirinajstimi leti in vedno vrtnarili ekološko. Pridelamo skoraj dovolj zelenjave za našo petčlansko družino in hkrati skrbimo za okolje. Radi bi uredili še nekaj dvignjenih gred, ampak še vedno nismo rešili problema rodovitne zemlje. To je res težko dobiti. Upam, da bomo uspeli v naslednjem letu.
We have started to cultivate this little piece of land about fourteen years ago and since then organic gardening remains our priority. The quantity of produced vegetables is almost sufficient for the family of five and at the same time we take care of the environment. We still have big plans to arrange new vegetable beds. Although, the lack of fertile soil remains the unsolved problem. I really hope we will find some next year.
V letu 2022 vam želim veliko zdravja, ljubezni, optimizma in veliko trenutkov preživetih v naravi!
I wish you good health, lots of love, lots of optimism and many hours spent outside in nature in the coming year 2022!
Time in nature helps during the pandemic for sure! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYour garden is looking great even in the colder weather.
Margi - our garden is buried under a foot and a half of snow, but some dried flower heads are still sticking up. The deer like to eat them! I think a garden has a special beauty in the winter! Happy New Year to you and your family!
ReplyDeleteThere is still so much enjoyment from looking at seedheads in the garden and they are good for wildlife too including your owls that made me smile! Thank you for joining in Through the Garden Gate it is always wonderful to visit you on a monthly basis and enjoy your garden. Happy New Year to you all! Sarah x
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful are your plump winter birds!
ReplyDeleteOne rose is still alive! Nature is always surprising.
Oh Margi I love your flowers and your winter birds.
ReplyDeleteAll the best for 2022.