vrt v juniju / our garden in June 2020

Junij je mesec vrtnic. Tole sem vzgojila sama. Raste zraven sivke, ki bo kmalu zacvetela.
June is a rose month. I raised this one by myself. It grows next to the lavender, which is just coming into flower.
Vreme v juniju je bilo deževno in mrzlo. Pravzaprav skoraj ni bilo dneva brez dežja. Na vrtu smo zaradi tega imeli probleme s polži. Zaradi njih sem morala bučke saditi kar štirikrat.
The weather in June was rainy and cold. Not even one day passed by without rain. Due to the weather, we had a lot of problems with red slugs in the garden. Because of them, I had to plant courgettes four times.
Če radi pijete domače čaje, je junij pravi čas za nabiranje zelišč. Zaradi slabega vremena je to letos pravi izziv.
If you like homemade tea, June is just the right time to dry herbs. Due to lots of raining, that is quite a challenge this year.
V juniju smo se sladkali z malinami, kosmuljo in rdečim ribezom.
We enjoyed raspberries, gooseberries and redcurrant this month.
Hibiskus ima čudovite cvetove. 
Hibiscus blooms lovely.
Naš mandarin, ki raste v loncu, ima čisto majhne mandarinčke.
Our mandarin tree in the pot has tiny little fruits.
Robide bodo dozorele v juliju. 
The bramble will ripen in July.
Kivi je cvetel na začetku meseca, sedaj pa že ima majhne plodove.
At the beginning of the month kiwi was blooming, now it has small fruits.
Paradižniki rastejo noro hitro. Naša mačka se rada greje v rastlinjaku in jim dela družbo.
Tomatoes are growing very fast. Our cat likes to stay in the greenhouse and keeps them company.
Moj oče ima 83 let, pa še vedno rad vrtnari. Tole so njegove vrtnice.
My father is 83 and he still likes gardening very much. These are pictures of his roses.


  1. Your pink rose is a beauty and so is the peachy hibicus <3 Our June was hot and dry, I need rain desperately. Enjoy your harvest & the weekend.

  2. Beautiful garden. Your roses are beautiful, as well as the hibiscus!

  3. Ich sammle auch gerne in den Sommermonaten Kräuter zum konservieren. Wir können schon Zucchini ernten. Bei uns gibt es öfter warme Sommerregen. Sehr schöne Rosen blühen bei euch im Garten.
    L G Pia

  4. Did you grow the pink rose from seed, or a cutting?
    Have you named it?

    1. The rose is grown from cutting. In August a cutting is planted into the soil and covered with a glass. We used to live in an apartment. A few roses were grown in front of our block of flats, the pink one was one of them. About a ten years ago we moved. I took a little rose cutting with me to remind me when my kids very small, but we never named it.

  5. Wonderful blooms for June, and the scenery is gorgeous.

  6. The roses are beautiful your Father knows how to look after them and must have taught you too! It's lovely to see all the food that is growing some so different to here! Sarah x

  7. Wundervolle Fotos von traumhaft schönen Blüten !
    Danke für die Verlinkung zum "DND"
    ♥lichst Jutta

  8. What you have in your garden, great !!! Whether the beautiful flowers or delicious fruits and vegetables!
    Have a beautiful Day, Elke

  9. What a lovely garden! Your roses are so pretty!

  10. It's delightful to see your flowers and veggies growing so nicely. It's interesting to see you are growing kiwifruit, it's not a usual garden fruit!

    'My Corner of the World' is happy to see you this week! Thanks for linking.


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