vrt v aprilu / our garden in April 2020

Letošnji april je nenavadno topel, suh in vetroven. Trava je čisto rjava kot jeseni, vrt pa zalivamo skoraj vsak dan. Komaj čakamo na dež. Tulipani so zaradi suše in vetra cveteli le nekaj dni.
This year April is unusually warm, dry and windy. The grass looks brown and the nature is waiting for rain. We are watering the garden almost every day. Tulips have bloomed only for a short time due to wind and dryness.
Letos so za razliko od lani jablane res zelo cvetele.
The apple trees were full of blossom unlike last year.
Figa je začela poganjati liste.
The fig tree is coming into leaf.
V rastlinjaku nabiramo letošnjo solato.
Fresh salad is growing in the green house.
Limoni in mandarina v velikih loncih so zacveteli.
The lemon and mandarin trees in pots start to blossom.
Jagode veliko obetajo. Strawberries promise a lot.
Sadike paradajza so zelo zrasle. Kmalu jih bom posadila v rastlinjak.
Tomato plants are grown up and waiting to be planted in the soil.
In mi? Letos ostajamo doma in vrtnarimo.
What about us? We stay at home this year and enjoy gardening.


  1. We have not had much rain too this month. Surprisingly our tulips have lasted well this you without the rain and strong winds! Your tomato plants look good! Sarah x

  2. We also hope there will be rain coming on Sunday. Your garden is a happy place to be locked down!

  3. We have had too much rain. I wish I could send some to you!
    Your tulips are beautiful.



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