Lepo je, če lahko dan preživim doma. Tudi tu se veliko dogaja. Na vrtu sem pobrala zadnje paradižnike,
It's nice to be at home. A lot of things happen here. I picked up last tomatoes in the garden,
It's nice to be at home. A lot of things happen here. I picked up last tomatoes in the garden,
watched late blooming flowers,
spodila žabo iz našega travnika
chased the frog away from our garden
in opazovala vse odtenke zelene. Zeleno barvo imam od nekdaj rada, prav neverjetno je, kakšne barve skriva v sebi.
and I observed all shadows of green. I really like green colour. It's amazing, which shadows are kept in it.
and I observed all shadows of green. I really like green colour. It's amazing, which shadows are kept in it.
Pozno popoldne smo pobrali kivi in se prvič veselili velikega pridelka.
We harvested kiwi fruits in the afternoon and were very happy.
We harvested kiwi fruits in the afternoon and were very happy.
Potem pa so prišle na vrsto buče. Zdaj je pravi čas, da jim damo obraz.
What is Halloween without carved pumpkins?
Naš tamal se je najbolj izkazal. Imel je ogromno idej. Naredimo take z brki, pa z brado, pa tako, ki hoče pojesti kamen... da bo bolj strašno...
My little one enjoyed carving them the most. He had a lot of ideas. Let's make pumpkins with moustache or with bear. Let's make pumpkin that eats stone…They must look scary.
Ko se je stemnilo, smo v bučah prižgali svečke. Res so bile videti grozne.My little one enjoyed carving them the most. He had a lot of ideas. Let's make pumpkins with moustache or with bear. Let's make pumpkin that eats stone…They must look scary.
And they were very scary when the night came.
Bil je lep dan. Za konec, malo za vajo še prevajam moj blog. Skoraj vedno, ko na blogu pogledam statistiko, so moji najpogostejši bralci Norvežani. Norveško žal ne znam. Lahko pa poskusim z angleščino.
It was a good day. Now I'm translating my blog into English. I often look at the statistics of my blog. Norwegians read it very often. I can't speak Norwegian, but maybe English could help.
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