our garden in March 2024
It's wonderful to see colourful flowers in the garden again. With more daylight, the birds singing in the mornings and crocus, daffodils and tulips flowering it feels like nature is on the move. Although it seems the endless days of rain and grey sky just can't stop.
Lepo je spet videti pisano pomladno cvetje na vrtu. Daljši dnevi, jutranje petje ptic in cvetenje narcis in tulipanov jasno kažejo, da je narava v prebujanju. Čeprav se nam včasih zdi, da se neskončna deževna obdobja in oblačni dnevi sploh ne bo končalo.
Our backyard is covered with daisies and the first trees are blooming.
Naše dvorišče je polno marjetic, zacvetela so prva drevesa.
We had a few days of good weather, just enough to take some pictures and to start with garden works, but that is much less than expected. Between the rainy period this wonderful rainbow stretches across the sky.
Imeli smo tudi par dni lepega vremena, ravno dovolj, da sem naredila par fotk in da smo začeli s prvimi deli na vrtu. Med dežjem se je pojavila tudi tale mavrica.
The little plants can't wait for the sunlight.
Majhne rastlinice pogrešajo svetlobo.
We hope for some sunny weather to enjoy spring. Happy Easter!
Upamo in pričakujemo lepše vreme v naslednjem mesecu. Lepo veliko noč!
ReplyDeleteGlorious colour, even on the grey days! Beautiful. The rainbow photos are spectacular!
ReplyDeleteCharacterful cat with a carpet of daisies. Love that you let them flourish.
ReplyDeleteJoyous spring colour! So sorry about the dull sky and endless rain.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful flowers. :)