košarica za Veliko noč (Easter egg basket)
Velika noč je praznik veselja, upanja in življenja. Pomlad dokončno prežene zimo. Narava vztraja v svojem življenjskem krogu in ponovno prinaša barve, sonce in življenje.
In tu je moja kvačkana košarica za pirhe, ki je nastala v tem tednu.
Easter is a celebration of joy, expectation and life. Spring finally overcomes the winter. The nature insists in its endless life circle and once again brings colours, sunshine and life.
In tu je moja kvačkana košarica za pirhe, ki je nastala v tem tednu.
Easter is a celebration of joy, expectation and life. Spring finally overcomes the winter. The nature insists in its endless life circle and once again brings colours, sunshine and life.
Here is a crochet basket for Easter eggs.
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