
Vremenska napoved za danes je bila megla, sploh v hribih. Pozimi pač lahko pričakujemo meglo in mraz. Kljub slabi napovedi jaz vseeno nisem mogla ostati doma. Ideja je bila, da greva na Porezen. Po poti sva videla komaj par metrov pred sabo, na vrhu pa skoraj nič. Presenetila pa naju je odprta planinska koča, kjer sva se lahko pogrela. Imeli so tudi joto in ocvirkovco. Kaj bi hoteli več!

Fotka z vrha bi bila brez veze, saj se ni nič videlo. Spodnje so s poti do vrha. Zima v hribih ima svoj čar. V dolini pa se že začenja pomlad. Pred našo hišo že cvetijo prvi zvončki.

Weather forecast for today was fog especially in the mountains. In winter fog is expected. Despite the weather I couldn't stay at home. We went to Porezen. There was really poor visibility and we could see only a few metres in front of us. On the top of the mountain we couldn't see practically anything. We were surprised because mountain cottage was opened and nice warm and they also had some food available.

I didn't make any photos on the top. It didn't have any meaning. But I made some on our way to the top. Winter in the mountains is magic. Down in the valley it is almost a spring. There are some snowdrops in front of our house.


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