mali mucki / baby kitties

Dva majhna mucka se igrata na našem vrtu. Mucka sta velika želja našega tamalega, ki se je končno uresničila. Sedaj sta njegova obveznost in tudi velika sreča. Ugotovil je, da je črni mucek fantek in siva punca, kar pa je precej očitno. Rada ima rože, ane?
Two little cats are playing in our front yard. My little sons' big wish finally came true. He wanted to care for a baby cat and to play with it. Two little animals are now a great obligation and happiness for our little boy. He found out that black cat is a boy and the grey one is a girl, which is quite obvious. She likes flowers, doesn’t she?


Črni mucek je zelo majhen in šibek, njegova siva sestrica pa je precej bolj igriva. Prvi dan se je skoraj izgubila. Nikjer je ni bilo, pa smo jo iskali več kot eno uro. V očeh našega tamalega si lahko videl žalost in nihče ni hotel govoriti o najslabši možnosti. Končno smo jo našli, ko je spala pod avtom. Oh, ti otroci!
The black cat is really small and weak, whereas his grey sister is very playful. On the first day she got lost already. We were looking for it for about an hour or two and we didn't find it anywhere. We could only observe pain and sorrow in my sons' eyes, and we didn't want to discuss the worst option with him. Finally, we found the baby cat sleeping under our car. Oh, these kids!


  1. Oh, they are,so, so cute ❤︎ Kitties are so quick and their paws so quiet, they can disappear in a fraction of a second. It happens many times that we can't find our adult cat Sissi. Mostly she is also sleeping somewhere. Wishing happy life for these cute babies!

  2. I wasn't fond of cats for years but now I find I like them more and more. These two are real beauties.

  3. Oh, Margi - they will steal your hearts! We have had several cats over the years, and it has brought us great joy. Always hard to let go when it is their time - as heart-breaking as any other family member ...


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