po Sloveniji / around Slovenia, Ptuj

Med potjo na Ptuj smo videli tole štorkljino gnezdo.Po legendi naj bi prinašale otroke.
During our travel to Ptuj, we saw a stork nest. According to the legend the storks are responsible for bringing babies.
Ptuj je najstarejše slovensko mesto, ima stare ulice, trge in grad na griču. Razgled od gradu po strehah mesta je krasen.
Ptuj is the oldest Slovenian town with old streets, squares and a castle on a hill. A view from the castle over the roofs is amazing. 
Ptuj je znan tudi po kurentovanju.
Ptuj is also known for kurentovanje, a very popular carnival in the spring time.
Kljub slabemu vremenu je bilo lepo biciklirati okrog Ptujskega jezera, kjer je veliko ptic našlo svoj dom. Prav nič se niso bale, lahko smo jih opazovali čisto od blizu. Dan se je končal z nevihto, tla v kampu so bila poplavljena.
A cycling excursion around the Ptuj lake was wonderful, despite the bad weather.  Many birds found their home on the lake. They are not shy at all and can be observed at close range. The day ended with a heavy shower and flooded ground at the camping site.


  1. I've never seen storks even when we're at the beach. I wonder if they even have them in the U.S.
    Thanks for linking up at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/08/play-time.html

  2. In Poland, we can meet many stork nests.


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